Professor Gillian Condé PhD, FHEA, FIBMS

Professor Gillian L. Condé

Birmingham Medical School
Head of Birmingham Medical School
College Lead for Post Graduate Taught Education

Contact details

Institute of Clinical Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Professor Gillian Condé is the Head of the Birmingham Medical School and a Professor of Medical Education. She manages the team of academics developing and delivering the programmes within the Medical School, and she also has a cross-college role as the College lead for Post Graduate Taught Education.

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  • Leadership Foundation Aurora Mentor
  • FHEA, 2015
  • FIBMS, 2014
  • PhD, University of Cambridge, 1995
  • BSc (Hons) Zoology, University of Liverpool, 1990


Following relocation back to the UK, Gill started a career in Higher Education, as a Physiology Lecturer, with a particular interest in the endocrine system and the nervous system. Following a period of time as an Enabling Tutor, working with students who are differently abled or who have additional educational requirements, across a large Faculty, she was promoted to Head of Biomedical Science. Her expertise in physiology, coupled with her experience in quality assurance, management, equality & diversity and teaching & learning, led her into Physician Associate education, and she moved to the University of Birmingham in 2020 to take up the role of Physician Associate Programme Lead. Alongside this, Gill has worked as Head of Education for Birmingham Medical School, whilst continuing to teach on the Medicine, Pharmacy and Biomedical Science programmes.

Gill has now taken on the role of Head of the Birmingham Medical School and College Lead for Post-graduate Taught Education. She holds a Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy and is a Fellow of the Institute for Biomedical Science. 

View Gillian's Google Scholar profile


Postgraduate supervision

Key research themes and doctoral supervision themes include:

  • Physician Associate: clinical audit & service improvement
  • Equality & diversity in PA education
  • The HPA axis
  • The HPG axis


Research interests:

The neuroendocrine brain, hippocampal remodelling, the stress response.


Levelling the playing field for access and outcomes for students entering postgraduate programmes from across the socio-economic divide.

Other activities

  • Physician Associate School Council: University representative
  • Medical Schools Council Member


Almeida O.F.X, Condé G.L. (2014), Estrogens, mood and cognition. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, Macmillan Reference Ltd.

Shakil T, Richardson M.K., Waldron E, Condé G, Wood S, Bland Y, Reynolds G, Murray PG, Nelson PN. (2001) Generation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to the neural crest. Hybridoma, 20: 199-203

Almeida O.F.X, Condé G., Crochemore C, Demeneix B.A., Fischer D, Hassan AHS, Holsboer F & Michaelidis TM. (2000) Subtle shifts in the ratio between pro- and anti-apoptotic molecules following activation of corticosteroid receptors decides neuronal fate FASEB J, 14: 779-790.

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