
Date Event Location
Sunday 3 September

Training School on Nanomaterials Risk Assessment

Conference get-together

Speakers dinner

University of Birmingham Campus

University of Birmingham Campus - Lapworth Museum

Latour Hotel

Monday 4 September Conference Day 1 Old Ikon Gallery
Tuesday 5 September Conference Day 2 Old Ikon Gallery
Wednesday 6 September

Conference Day 3 (AM)

FutureNanoNeeds Categorisation workshop (PM)

Download the full programme (143KB)

Old Ikon Gallery
Thursday 7 September

EU-US NanoEHS CoRs workshop

Training School on SP-ICP-MS/single cell ICP-MS

University of Birmingham Campus
Friday 8 September

EU-US NanoEHS CoRs workshop

Training School on SP-ICP-MS/single cell ICP-MS

University of Birmingham Campus

Download the full programme (PDF 176KB)

Hands-on workshop

Topic: Risk assessment of nanomaterials – comparison of approaches under REACH and TOSCA
Organisers: Iseult Lynch, Claus Svendsen, Richard Handy and Fred Klaessig
Location: Undercroft, Biosciences Building, University of Birmingham
Date: Sunday 3 September 2017

Hands-on guided analysis of nanomaterials datasets and how to apply risk assessment for regulatory decision making.

Download the Hands-on training workshop programme (PDF 84KB)  

EU-US NanoEHS CoRs workshop

The purpose of the workshop will be to consider current (and future) approaches to nanosafety (nanoEHS) research in order to close the gap between research and regulation. It will focus on nanomaterials testing, grouping, and read-across methodologies, utilising case-studies to provide context for the discussion, focusing on if/how research data can be utilised in regulatory contexts.

Location: Muirhead Tower, University of Birmingham
Date: Thursday 7 and Friday 8 September 2017

Find out more and register for the workshop

Social programme

Opening Reception: Lapworth Museum of Geology, University of Birmingham, Sunday 3 September, 5:30-8pm

Beer, Art & Poster Session: Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, Birmingham city centre, Monday 4 September, 6:30-9:30pm

Conference Dinner: Old Ikon Gallery (Fazeley Studios), Birmingham city centre, Tuesday 5 September, 7-10pm