Mohamed Abdulla Saleem

Mohamed Abdulla Saleem

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Doctoral Researcher

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School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Title of PhD: Analysis of Sirte Basin structures (North central Libya) In view of the tectonic evolution of the basin

Supervisor: Professor Tim Reston, Dr Carl Stevenson

Mohamed is a member of the Geosystems Research Group at the University of Birmingham. His current research is an integrated study planned to investigate the evolution of the basin through the episodes of geological time, and to see the impact of the tectonic events on the basin structures. One of the methodologies to approach this aim is to mapping out the major faults and igneous intrusions in the area to understand their role in the hydrocarbon trap, configuration, generation and/or remobilization of hydrocarbon.

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2009-present   Ph.D in geophysics at the University of Birmingham

2002-2003   M.Sc in Petroleum geosciences and management at the University of Manchester

1979-1984   B.Sc in Geophysics Engineering at Tripoli University (Former Alfath University)


Mohamed undertook an undergraduate degree in geophysics at Tripoli University. In 1985 Mohamed joined the Libyan Baroid Company as a geological engineer, during that period of time he had got wide experience in the operations and activities associated with the oil wells drilling. In 1992 Mohamed joined the formerly known Petroleum Research centre (PRC) now Libyan Petroleum Institute (LPI) as an assistance researcher in the Exploration Dept. at which he was involved in many research projects such as the Libyan gravity compilation project. In 2002, Mohamed started his postgraduate study in petroleum geosciences and management at the University of Manchester. Then he rejoined the Libyan petroleum institute, as a researcher, he was involved in group of projects (ie. the evaluation of Ghadams basin. The re-evaluation of the western part of the Sirte basin, Studying of the petroleum ability of the Jifarah plain, Paleomagnetism study in the Murzuq Basin, Regional seismic study of Sirte basin). In 2009 Mohamed started his PhD research at the University of Birmingham, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, then he suspended his study for about 2 years due to the war events in Libya. In September 2012 he started his doctoral research again.


The area of study is a part of Sirte Basin which is one of the numerous tectonic basins that is dominated by rifting major faults and magmatic activities, both of which have an impact on the hydrocarbon trap configuration, generation and/or remobilization of hydrocarbon, along the evolutionary history of the basin. This research is going to focus on this subject, depending on the interpretation of the seismic data, and mapping the magnetic and gravity anomalies.


1. An integrated geophysical study in the Murzuq basin, South-West Libya, by A. Sahil, A. Essed, M. Saleem, The fifth Tunisian petroleum exploration conference, Tunis, 15-18 october 1996.

2. Tectonic Setting of the Cyrenaica Platform and Adjacent areas, NE Libya: Implication of Gravity Investigations, by Abdunnur Suleiman1, Mohamed Saleem2 , 1st conference of the geology of east Libya. Banghazi Libya, November 2004.

3. Basement and Paleostructures Mapping Using Gravity Data, Sarir Trough Province. (SE Sirte Basin – Libya), by H. Ghanoush¹ & M. Saleem², 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Geophysical Exploration in Libya. February 22 – 24, 2005, Tripoli, Libya.

4. Gravity Compilations of Libya Project: Stages Assembly, Interpretation and Project Evaluation. A. Saheel, M. Saleem, A. Suleiman, O. Hammuda & B. Mejrab, Petroleum Research Centre and A. Bizan, National Oil Corporation, Libya, 1st International Conference and Exhibition onGeophysical Exploration in Libya.February 22 – 24, 2005, Tripoli, Libya.

5. Mapping Basement Relief and Modeling Paleo – Tectonic Structures Using Gravity Data, Sarir Trough Province, (SE Sirt Basin – Libya). by H. Ghanoush¹ & M. Saleem², MENA 2005 Oil & Gas Conference, The 6th Middle East and North Africa Oil and Gas Conference, Thursday 22 and Friday 23 September 2005, Imperial College, Exhibition Road, Kensington, London SW7, England.

6. 3D visualization of some intrusive igneous bodies and their relationship to fluid escape structures in the area of the Gjallar Ridge, Norwegian continental margin. By Mohamed A. saleem, Technology of oil and gas (TOG 2006), the 3th international forum and exhibition, 12-14 September 2006, Tripoli Libya.

7. Structural Analysis of the Ghadamis Basin NW Libya Using Gravity and Magnetic, Data, By Mohamed Saleem and Milad Elmaradi, Global infracambrian hydrocarbon systems and the Emerging Potential in North Africa. 29-30/11/2006.

8. Gravity and Magnetic Study of North eastern Libya, BY Mohamed Saleem and Abdunnur Ben Suleiman. "EGU General Assembly 2007", 15-20/4/2007, Vienna Austria.

9. Subsurface structural analysis of Murzuq Basin, by M. Elmaradi and M. Saleem, the fourth symposium of the geology of the sedimentary basins of Libya ( geology of southern Libya), 17-20/11/2008, Tripoli Libya.