Professor Tim Reston

Professor Tim Reston

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Professor of Geology
Head of Geosystem Research Group

Contact details

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Tim Reston is a geologist and a geophysicist with interests in the use of geophysics to study geological problems, especially tectonics. He specialises in the seismic imaging and tectonics of rifted continental margins and of slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges, with particular emphasis on detachment tectonics and the effects of mantle serpentinization.

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BA Cambridge in Geology (1983)

MSc Oxford in Geophysics (1984)

PhD London in Geophysics (1988)

Other activities

Administrative Responsibilities

Natural Sciences Tutor


Recent publications


Bangs, NL, Morgan, JK, Bell, RE, Han, S, Arai, R, Kodaira, S, Gase, AC, Wu, X, Davy, R, Frahm, L, Tilley, HL, Barker, DHN, Edwards, JH, Tobin, HJ, Reston, TJ, Henrys, SA, Moore, GF, Bassett, D, Kellett, R, Stucker, V & Fry, B 2023, 'Slow slip along the Hikurangi margin linked to fluid-rich sediments trailing subducting seamounts', Nature Geoscience, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 505-512.

Peirce, C, Funnell, MJ, Reston, TJ & MacLeod, CJ 2023, 'Three-dimensional S-wave velocity structure of oceanic core complexes at 13°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge', Geophysical Journal International, vol. 232, no. 1, pp. 615-642.

Boddupalli, B, Minshull, TA, Bayrakci, G, Lymer, G, Klaeschen, D & Reston, TJ 2022, 'Insights Into Exhumation and Mantle Hydration Processes at the Deep Galicia Margin From a 3D High-Resolution Seismic Velocity Model', Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 127, no. 7, e2021JB023220.

Parnell-Turner, R, Sohn, RA, Peirce, C, Reston, TJ, MacLeod, CJ, Searle, RC & Simão, NM 2021, 'Seismicity trends and detachment fault structure at 13°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge', Geology, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 320-324.

Simao, N, Peirce, C, Funnell, M, Robinson, AH, Searle, R, MacLeod, C & Reston, T 2020, '3-D P-wave velocity structure of oceanic core complexes at 13°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge', Geophysical Journal International, vol. 221, no. 3, pp. 1555-1579.

Peirce, C, Robinson, AH, Funnell, MJ, Searle, RC, MacLeod, CJ & Reston, TJ 2020, 'Magmatism versus serpentinization – crustal structure along the 13°N segment at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge', Geophysical Journal International, vol. 221, no. 2, pp. 981-1001.

Reston, T 2020, 'On the rotation and frictional lock-up of normal faults: Explaining the dip distribution of normal fault earthquakes and resolving the low-angle normal fault paradox', Tectonophysics, vol. 790, 228550.

Lymer, G, Cresswell, D, Reston, T, Bull, JM, Sawyer, DS, Morgan, JK, Stevenson, C, Causer, A, Minshull, T & Shillington, DJ 2019, '3D development of detachment faulting during continental breakup', Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 515, pp. 90-99.

Peirce, C, Reveley, G, Robinson, AH, Funnell, M, Searle, R, Simao, N, MacLeod, C & Reston, T 2019, 'Constraints on crustal structure of adjacent OCCs and segment boundaries at 13°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge', Geophysical Journal International, vol. 217, no. 2, pp. 988-1010.,

Searle, R, MacLeod, C, Peirce, C & Reston, T 2019, 'The Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 13 degrees 20 ' N: high-resolution magnetic and bathymetry imaging', Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 295-313.

Schuba, CN, Gray, GG, Morgan, JK, Sawyer, DS, Shillington, DJ, Reston, T, Bull, JM & Jordan, BE 2018, 'A low-angle detachment fault revealed: three-dimensional images of the S-reflector fault zone along the Galicia passive margin', Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 492, pp. 232-38. 10.1016/j.eps1.2018.04.012

Reston, T 2018, 'Flipping detachments: the kinematics of ultraslow spreading ridges', Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 503, pp. 144-157.


Lymer, G & Reston, TJ 2022, The West Iberian margin: Past and current research concepts and future challenges. in G Peron-Pinvidic (ed.), Continental Rifted Margins 2: Case Examples. Wiley, pp. 1-34.

Conference contribution

Watremez, L, Prada, M, Minshull, T, O'Reilly, B, Chen, C, Reston, T, Shannon, P, Wagner, G, Gaw, V, Klaeschen, D, Edwards, R & Lebedev, S 2018, Deep structure of the Porcupine Basin from wide-angle seismic data. in M Bowman & B Levell (eds), Petroleum Geology of NW Europe : 50 Years of Learning - Proceedings of the 8th Petroleum Geology Conference. Petroleum Geology Conference Proceedings, no. 1, vol. 8, Geological Society of London, London, pp. 199-209, 8th Petroleum Geology Conference
, London, United Kingdom, 28/09/15.

Review article

“IMAGinING RIFTING” Workshop Participants 2019, 'Rifted Margins: State of the Art and Future Challenges', Frontiers in Earth Science, vol. 7, 218.

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