
Working papers and Briefing papers

This page shows the full ongoing series of TSRC Working Papers, together with the Briefing Papers that precede them where applicable. The papers may be downloaded and they are all in PDF format.


Paper 145: Angela Ellis Paine and Rob Macmillan

Paper 144: Emma Taylor-Collins


Paper 143: Angus McCabe

Paper 142: Penny Lawrence  

Paper 141: Phil Ware  


Paper 140: Kevin Harris and Angus McCabe

Paper 139: Kevin Harris and Angus McCabe

  • Community Action and Social Media - A review of the literature Working Paper Working paper


Paper 138: Helen Kara

Paper 137: Angus McCabe, Heather Buckingham and Steve Miller with Marcianne Musabyimana

Paper 136: Alison Gilchrist, Plowden Fellow 


Paper 135: John Mohan

Paper 134: Daiga Kamerāde (September 2015)

Paper 133: Daiga Kamerāde and John Mohan (July 2015)

Paper 132: Stephen McKay (July 2015)

Paper 131: Andrian Randall (July 2015)

Paper 130: Phil Ware. (June 2015)

Discussion Paper:

Paper 129 Jenny Phillimore and Angus McCabe (January 2015)

Luck, passion, networks and skills: recipe for action below the radar? by Jenny Phillimore and Angus McCabe (January 2015) 


Paper 128 Angela Ellis-Paine with Rebecca Taylor, Catherine Needham, Rosemary Littlechild and Heather Buckingham (October 2014)

Maximising older people's use of personal budgets: Programme evaluation summary Briefing paper

Paper 127: Building capabilities in the voluntary sector: A review of the market, by Chris Dayson and Elizabeth Sanderson (September 2014)
Working Paper (PDF)

Paper 126: Third sector partnerships and capability building: What the evidence tells us, by Helen Kara (September 2014)
Working Paper (PDF)

Paper 125: Building capabilities in the voluntary sector: What the evidence tells us, by Rob Macmillan and Angela Ellis-Paine, with Helen Kara, Chris Dayson, Elizabeth Sanderson and Peter Wells (September 2014)
Research report (PDF) | Briefing paper (PDF)

Paper 124: Financing social ventures and the demand for social investment, by Fergus Lyon and Rob Baldock (June 2014)
Working Paper (PDF, 324KB)

Paper 123: From outcomes-based commissioning to social value? Implications for performance managing the third sector, by Jenny Harlock (June 2014)
Working Paper (PDF, 262KB) 

Paper 122: Public sector commissioning of local mental health services from the third sector, James Rees, Robin Miller and Heather Buckingham (May 2014)
Working Paper (PDF, 402KB)

Paper 121: Who’s speaking for whom? Exploring issues of third sector leadership, leverage and legitimacy, Heather Buckingham, Angela Ellis Paine, Pete Alcock, Jeremy Kendall and Rob Macmillan (April 2014)
Working Paper (PDF, 218KB)

Paper 120: Reviewing the literature on pay and non-standard employment, taking a cross sector perspective, Rebecca Taylor, Daiga Kamerāde, Stephen McKay (April 2014)
Working Paper (PDF, 272KB)

Paper 119: Fifty at fifty: long term patterns of participation and volunteering among the 1958 NCDS Cohort at age 50, Katherine Brookfield, Jane Parry and Vicki Bolton (February 2014)
Working Paper (PDF, 734KB)

Paper 118: A brave new world for voluntary sector infrastructure? Vouchers, markets and demand led capacity building, Caron Walton and Rob Macmillan (March 2014)
Working Paper (PDF, 599KB)

Paper 117: Evidence and transparency in the open public services reform: perspectives for the third sector, Malin Arvidson (March 2014)
Working Paper (PDF, 357KB)

Paper 116: A review of rural community organising in England, James Derounian
Briefing Paper (PDF, 128KB) | Working Paper (PDF, 291KB)


Paper 115: Support for all in the UK Work Programme? Differential payments, same old problem..., James Rees, Adam Whitworth and Eleanor Carter (December 2013)
Working Paper (PDF, 584KB)

Paper 114: Social innovation, co-operation and competition: inter-organisational relations for social enterprises in the delivery of public services, Fergus Lyon (November 2013)
Working Paper

Paper 113: Patterns of social capital, voluntary activity and area deprivation in England, Andrew McCulloch, John Mohan, and Peter Smith (November 2013) 
Briefing Paper

Paper 112: Community capital and the role of the state: an empowering approach to personalisation, Patricia A. Jones (October 2013)
Working paper

Paper 111: Measuring impact: how can third sector organisations make sense of a rapidly expanding marketplace of tools?, Lindsey Metcalf (October 2013)
Working paper

Paper 110: Putting evaluations to use: from measuring to endorsing social value, Marlin Arvidson and Helen Kara (October 2013)
Working paper

Paper 109: The third sector in unsettled times: a field guide, Rob Macmillan, Rebecca Taylor, Malin Arvidson, Andri Soteri-Proctor, and Simon Teasdale (August 2013)
Working paper  

Paper 108: Beyond green niches? Growth strategies of environmentally-motivated social enterprises, Ian Vickers and Fergus Lyon (August 2013)
Working paper 

Paper 107: Gender balance in the governance of social enterprise, Fergus Lyon and Anne Humbert (August 2013)
Working paper 

Paper 106: Impact measurement practice in the UK third sector: a review of emerging evidence, Dr Jenny Harlock (August 2013)
Working paper

Paper 105: Clarity, communication and reciprocity: key ingredients for productive relationships with voluntary organisations in the new health and social care commissioning environment, Heather Buckingham (July 2013)
Briefing paper

Paper 104: Personalisation: a new dawn or the end of the road for third sector support for carers?, Robin Miller and Mary Larkin (July 2013) 
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 103: “Very small, very quiet, a whisper” – Black and Minority Ethnic groups: voice and influence, Phil Ware (July/October 2013)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 102: What factors predict volunteering among youths in the UK? Matthew Bennett and Meenakshi Parameshwaran (August 2013)
Briefing paper

Paper 101: Decoupling the state and the third sector? The ‘Big Society’ as a spontaneous order, Rob Macmillan (July 2013)
Working paper

Paper 100: Does volunteering improve employability? Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey Angela Ellis Paine, Stephen McKay and Domenico Moro (July 2013)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 99: Oil and water rarely mix: exploring the relative stability of non-profit revenue mixes over time, Simon Teasdale, Janelle Kerlin, Dennis Young and Jung In Soh (June 2013).
Working paper

Paper 98:  Mapping the environmental third sector in England, David Clifford, Frida Geyne Rajme, Graham Smith, Rebecca Edwards, Milena Buchs and Clare Saunders (June 2013).
Working paper

Paper 97: International insights into job creation in the social economy, Heather Buckingham and Simon Teasdale (May 2013)
Briefing paper

Paper 96: Doing emotion, doing policy; the emotional role of 'grassroots' community activists in poverty policy-making, Rosie Anderson (May 2013)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 95: What the public think of the Big Society, Dr Rose Lindsey and Dr Sarah Bulloch (April 2013)
Working paper (pdf, 597KB)

Paper 94: Scaling-up or going-viral: comparing self-help housing and community land trust facilitation, Tom Moore and David Mullins (March 2013)
Working paper (pdf, 662KB)

Discussion Paper F: Roma Civil Society: Deliberative Democracy for Change in Europe, Thomas Acton and Andrew Ryder (February 2013)
Discussion paper (pdf, 502KB)

Paper 93: Collecting and classifying data from charity accounts for England and Wales, David Kane, Jenny Clark (NCVO), David Clifford, John Mohan (TSRC), Joy Dobbs, Pete Bass (NCVO Associates) (Feb 2013)
Working paper (pdf, 470KB)

Paper 92: Does sector matter? Understanding the experiences of providers in the Work Programme  James Rees, Rebecca Taylor and Chris Damm (February 2013)
Briefing paper (pdf, 136KB) | Working paper (pdf, 742KB) 

Paper 91: Seeing and doing: learning, resources and social networks below the radar, Angus McCabe and Jenny Phillimore (December 2012)
Briefing paper (pdf, 169KB) | Working paper (pdf, 465KB)

Paper 90: Making sense of the Big Society: perspectives from the third sector, Rob Macmillan (January 2013)
Working paper (pdf, 406KB)


Paper 89: ‘Distinction’ in the third sector, Rob Macmillan (October 2012)
Working paper (pdf, 509KB)

Research Report 88: Partnership working, James Rees, David Mullins and Tony Bovaird (October 2012)
Working paper (pdf, 1MB)

Paper 87: All Change? Surviving ‘below the radar’: community groups and activities in a Big Society, Angus McCabe and Jenny Phillimore (September 2012)
Briefing paper (pdf, 194KB) | Working paper (pdf, 537KB)

Research Report 86: Commissioning across government: review of evidence, Tony Bovaird, Helen Dickinson and Kerry Allen (Project for the National Audit Office, August 2012)
Research report (pdf, 2.88MB)

Paper 85: Moving beyond ‘refugeeness’: problematising the ‘refugee community organisation’, Teresa Piacentini (August 2012)
Briefing paper (pdf, 332KB) | Working paper (pdf, 686KB)

Paper 84: Hearing the voice of Gypsies and Travellers: the history, development and challenges of Gypsy and Traveller tenants and residents’ associations, Andrew Ryder (September 2012)
Briefing Paper (pdf, 197KB)  | Working paper (pdf, 535KB)
Discussion Paper D (pdf, 548KB)

Paper 83: Innovation and social enterprise activity in third sector organisations, Celine Chew and Fergus Lyon (November 2012)
Working paper (pdf, 481KB)

Paper 82: The Big Society: a new policy environment for the third sector?, Pete Alcock (June 2012)
Working paper (PDF, 281KB)

Paper 81: Third sector organisations’ role in pro-environmental behaviour change – a review of the literature and evidence, Milena Büchs, Rebecca Edwards and Graham Smith (May 2012)
Working paper (PDF, 452KB)

Paper 80: The regional distribution of employees in the third sector in England: estimates from the National Survey of Third Sector Organisations (NSTSO), Frida Geyne-Rajme and John Mohan (June 2012)
Working paper (PDF, 347KB)

Paper 79: Scaling-up social enterprise: strategies taken from early years providers, Fergus Lyon and Heather Fernandez (April 2012)
Working paper (PDF, 367KB)

Research Report 78: From crisis to mixed picture to phoney war: tracing third sector discourse in the 2008/9 recession, Rebecca Taylor, Jane Parry and Pete Alcock (May 2012)
Briefing paper (PDF, 84KB) | Research report (PDF, 584KB)

Paper 77: Accommodation for ex-offenders: Third sector housing advice and provision, Dina Gojkovic, Alice Mills and Rosie Meek (March 2012)
Briefing paper (PDF, 95KB)| Working paper (PDF, 410KB)

Paper 76: Third sector leadership: the power of narrative, Rob Macmillan and Vic McLaren (March 2012)
Working paper (PDF, 357KB)

Paper 75: Wherever there is money there is influence: exploring BIG’s impact on the third sector, Angela Ellis Paine, Rebecca Taylor and Pete Alcock (February 2012)
Research Report | Briefing paper (PDF, 173KB)

Paper 74: A dimming of the ‘warm glow’? Are non-profit workers in the UK still more satisfied with their jobs than other workers? Chiara Paola Donegani, Stephen McKay and Domenico Moro (April 2012)
Briefing paper (PDF, 160KB)| Working paper (PDF, 663 KB)

Paper 73: The idea of a ‘civic core’: what are the overlaps between charitable giving, volunteering, and civic participation in England and Wales? Professor John Mohan and Dr Sarah L. Bulloch (February 2012)
Briefing paper (pdf, 79KB)| Working paper (pdf, 573KB) 

Paper 72: Women as social entrepreneurs, Dr Anne Laure Humbert (February 2012)
Working paper (PDF, 322KB)

Paper 71: Little big societies: micro-mapping of organisations operating below the radar, Dr Andri Soteri-Proctor (December 2011)
Working paper (PDF, 825KB)

Paper 70: The third sector delivering employment services: an evidence review, Christopher Damm (January 2012)
Briefing paper (PDF, 113KB) | Working paper (PDF, 561KB)


Paper 69: The marketisation of charities in England and Wales, Stephen McKay, Domenico Moro, Simon Teasdale and David Clifford (November 2011)
Working paper (PDF, 510KB)

Paper 68: The role of grassroots arts activities in communities: a scoping study, Hilary Ramsden, Jane Milling, Jenny Phillimore, Angus McCabe, Hamish Fyfe and Robin Simpson (December 2011)
Briefing paper (PDF, 127KB) | Working paper (PDF, 636KB)

Paper 67: First impressions: introducing the ‘Real Times’ third sector case studies, Dr Rob Macmillan, Dr Malin Arvidson, Dr Sobrina Edwards, Dr Andri Soteri-Proctor, Dr Rebecca Taylor and Dr Simon Teasdale (November 2011)
Working paper (PDF, 405KB) 

Paper 66: Social impact measurement as an entrepreneurial process, Professor Fergus Lyon and Dr Malin Arvidson (November 2011)
Briefing paper

Paper 65: Voluntary sector organisations working at the neighbourhood level in England: patterns by local area deprivation, Dr David Clifford (August 2011)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 64: Personalisation: what will the impacts be for carers?, Dr Mary Larkin and Dr Helen Dickinson (July 2011)
Working paper

Paper 63: UK Gypsies and Travellers and the third sector, Dr Andrew Ryder (July 2011)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 62: Mapping the Big Society: perspectives from the Third Sector Research Centre, Professor John Mohan (August 2011)
Working paper

Paper 61: Offender engagement with third sector organisations: a national prison-based survey  Dr Dina Gojkovic, Dr Rosie Meek and Dr Alice Mills (July 2011)
Briefing Paper | Working paper 

Paper 60: Third sector partnerships for service delivery: an evidence review and research project, Dr James Rees, Professor David Mullins and Professor Tony Bovaird
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 59: Low-carbon practices: a third sector research agenda, Milena Büchs, Graham Smith and Rebecca Edwards (May 2011)
Working paper

Paper 58: The black minority ethnic third sector: a resource paper, Lucy Mayblin and Andri Soteri-Proctor (June 2011)
Working paper

Paper 57: Scoping the involvement of third sector organisations in the seven resettlement pathways for offenders, Dr Dina Gojkovic, Dr Alice Mills and Dr Rosie Meek (May 2011)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 56: Seeing things differently? The promise of qualitative longitudinal research on the third sector, Rob Macmillan (March 2011)
Working Paper

Paper 54: Self-help housing – Towards a greater role. Case Study Findings Summary to inform Consultation at St George’s House, Windsor Castle, December 2010. Professor David Mullins, Dr Patricia A. Jones and Dr Simon Teasdale (Feb 2011)
Briefing paper | Case Study Report

Paper 53: Connecting the dots: the potential for self-help housing to address homelessness, Simon Teasdale, Patricia A. Jones and David Mullins (Jan 2011)
Briefing paper | Full report

Paper 52: Social enterprise spin-outs from the English health service: a Right to Request but was anyone listening?, Robin Miller and Dr Ross Millar (Feb 2011)
Working paper

Paper 51: Below the radar in a Big Society? Reflections on community engagement, empowerment and social action in a changing policy context, Angus McCabe (Feb 2011)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 50: Hybridity, diversity and the division of labour in the third sector: what can we learn from homelessness organisations in the UK?, Heather Buckingham (Dec 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 49: The ambitions and challenges of SROI, Dr Malin Arvidson, Professor Fergus Lyon, Professor Stephen McKay and Dr Domenico Moro (Jan 2011)
Briefing paper | Working paper


Paper 48: Social enterprise and ethnic minorities, Leandro Sepulveda, Stephen Syrett, Sara Calvo (Nov 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 47: A comparative study of changes in earned income among third sector organisations in England and Wales, and the United states, Simon Teasdale (Oct 2010)
Briefing paper

Paper 46: What's in a name? The construction of social enterprise, Simon Teasdale (Sept 2010)
Working paper

Paper 45: How dependent is the third sector on public funding? David Clifford, Frida Geyne Rajme, and John Mohan (Oct 2010)
Working paper

Paper 44: Opportunity and influence: the third sector and the 2010 general election, Jane Parry, Pete Alcock and Jeremy Kendall (Oct 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper | Full research Report

Paper 43: Approaches to measuring the scale of the social enterprise sector in the UK, Fergus Lyon, Simon Teasdale and Rob Baldock (Sept 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 42: Constituting the third sector, Pete Alcock and Jeremy Kendall (August 2010)
Working paper

Paper 41: Capturing diversity: a typology of third sector organisations’ responses to contracting based on empirical evidence from homelessness services, Heather Buckingham (Sept 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 40: Womens' leadership, employment and participation in the third sector, Simon Teasdale, Stephen McKay, Jenny Phillimore and Nina Teasdale (October 2010)
Briefing paper 

Paper 39: Trends in the concentration of income among charities, Peter Backus and David Clifford (June 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 38: Are big charities becoming increasingly dominant? David Clifford and Peter Backus (June 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 37: The value of volunteering in Europe in the Noughties, Jeremy Kendall (September 2009)
Working paper

Paper 36: Mainstreaming the environment? The third sector and environmental performance management, Dr Rebecca Edwards, Professor Graham Smith, Dr Milena Büchs (June 2010)
Working paper

Paper 35: The regional geography of social enterprise in the UK: a review of recent surveys  Heather Buckingham, Steven Pinch and Peter Sunley (July 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper 

Paper 34: The role of the third sector in work with offenders: the perceptions of criminal justice and third sector stakeholders, Rosie Meek, Dina Gojkovic and Alice Mills (May 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 33: Understanding the distinctiveness of small scale third sector activity, Jenny Phillimore and Angus McCabe (May 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 32: Partnership and mainstreaming, Professor Pete Alcock (May 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 31: Black boxes in the wreckage? Making sense of failure in a social enterprise, Duncan Scott (March 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 30: The personalisation agenda, Helen Dickinson (March 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 29: Below the radar: a summary review of the literature, Angus McCabe, Jenny Phillimore and Lucy Mayblin (January 2010)
Briefing Paper | Working paper

Paper 28: The growing workforce in the voluntary and community sectors, Domenico Moro and Stephen McKay (February 2010)
Briefing paper

Paper 27: Impact and evaluation of the third sector, Malin Arvidson (December 2009)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 26: Business or third sector, Andrea Westall (December 2009)
Briefing paper | Working paper 

Paper 25: Value and the third sector, Andrea Westall (December 2009)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 24: A strategic unity, Pete Alcock (March 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 23: The contradictory faces of social enterprise, Simon Teasdale (December 2009)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 22: Social enterprise and the environment, Ian Vickers (February 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 20: The third sector delivering public services: an evidence review, Rob Macmillan (July 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 19: Housing scoping papers: homelessness advice and support, Ricky Joseph (November 2010)
Briefing paper

Paper 18: Housing scoping papers: the tenants' and community movement, Patricia A Jones (January 2010)
Briefing paper

Paper 17: Cooperative and mutual housing in the social rented sector, Rob Rowlands (August 2010)
Briefing paper

Paper 16: Housing scoping paper: housing associations, David Mullins (November 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 15: Outsider, missing link or panacea? The place of social enterprise (with)in and in relation to the Third Sector, Leandro Sepulveda (November 2009)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 14: Economic analysis and the third sector, Andrea Westall (November 2010)
Briefing Paper | Working paper

Paper 13: Losing political innocence, Jeremy Kendall (November 2009)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 12: User and community co-production of public services: fad or fact, nuisance or necessity?, Tony Bovaird (October 2009)
Briefing paper

Paper 11: Housing scoping papers: self-help housing, David Mullins (October 2009)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 10: Housing scoping papers: overview, David Mullins, Patricia A Jones, Ricky Joseph, Rob Rowlands and Simon Teasdale (November 2010)
Briefing paper

Paper 8: Exploring below the radar: issues of themes and focus, Angus McCabe and Jenny Phillimore (August 2009)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 7: Measuring the value of social and community impact (the role of social enterprises in public services), Fergus Lyon (August 2009)
Full paper

Paper 6: Individual voluntary participation in the UK, Dr. Laura Staetsky (May 2011)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 5: Innovation in the homeless field: how does social enterprise respond to the needs of homeless people?, Simon Teasdale (September 2009)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 4: Mapping social enterprises: past approaches, challenges and future directions, Fergus Lyon and Dr Leandro Sepulveda (August 2009)
Briefing paper

Paper 3: Can social enterprise address social exclusion? Evidence from an inner city community, Simon Teasdale (September 2009)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 2: Devolution or divergence? Third Sector Policy across the UK since 2000, Pete Alcock (August 2010)
Briefing paper | Working paper

Paper 1: Research approach and strategy of TSRC, Pete Alcock (August 2009)
Briefing paper


Journal articles

Articles from TSRC authors, A-Z by first author surname: 

Alcock, P. (2010a) A strategic unity: defining the third sector in the UK’, Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.1 (1).

Alcock, P. (2010b) Building the Big Society: a new policy environment for the third sector in England’, Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.1 (3).

Alcock, P. (2012) New policy spaces: the impact of devolution on third sector policy in the UK’, Social Policy and Administration, Vol.46 (2).

Alcock, P. and Kendall, J. (2011) 'Constituting the third sector: processes of decontestation and contention under the UK Labour Governments In England’, Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Non-profit Organizations, Vol.22 (3).

Alcock, P., Kendall, J. and Parry, J. (2011) From the third sector to the Big Society: consensus or contention in the 2010 UK General Election?’ Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.3 (3).  

Arvidson, M., Lyon, F., McKay, S., Domenico, M. (2013) Valuing the social? The nature and controversies of measuring Social Return on Investment (SROI)’, Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.4 (1).  

Bovaird, T. (2013) Attributing outcomes to social policy interventions – ‘gold standard’ or ‘fool’s gold’ in public policy and management?’ Social Policy and Administration, Vol.47 (7).    

Bovaird, T. and Löeffler, E. (2009) ‘More quality through competitive quality awards? An impact assessment framework’, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Vol.75 (3).

Bovaird, T. and Löeffler, E. (2012) ‘From engagement to co-production: the contribution of users and communities to outcomes and public value’, Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Non-profit Organisations, Vol.23 (4).

Büchs, M. (2014) 'The role of environmental organisations in supporting carbon reduction: comparing direct and indirect involvement', Environmental Politics, published online 30 May 2014.

Buckingham, H. (2009) 'Competition and contracts in the voluntary sector: exploring the implications for homelessness service providers in Southampton’, Policy and Politics, Vol.37 (2). 

Buckingham, H. (2011) ‘Hybridity, diversity and the division of labour in the third sector: what can we learn from homelessness organisations in the UK?’ Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.2 (3). 

Buckingham, H. (2012) ‘Capturing Diversity: a typology of third sector organisations’ responses to contracting based on empirical evidence from homelessness services’, Journal of Social Policy,Vol.41 (3). 

Buckingham, H., Pinch, S. and Sunley, P. (2012) ‘The enigmatic regional geography of social enterprise in the UK’, Area, Vol.44 (1). 

Clifford, D, Geyne-Rahme, F. and Mohan, J. (2012) ‘Variations between organisations and localities in government funding of third-sector activity: evidence from the national survey of third-sector organisations in England’, Urban Studies, Vol.50 (5).     

Clifford, D. (2012) ‘Voluntary sector organisations working at the neighbourhood level in England: patterns by local area deprivation’, Environment and Planning A, Vol.44 (2). 

Clifford, D. and Backus, P. (2012) ‘Are big charities becoming more dominant? Cross-sectional and longitudinal perspectives’, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, Vol.17 (3). 

Clifford, D., Geyne- Rajme, F., Smith, G., Edwards, R., Buchs, M and Saunders, C. (2013) ‘Mapping the environmental third sector in England: a distinctive field of activity’, Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.4 (2). 

Crisp, R., Macmillan, R., Robinson, D. and Wells, P. (2009) ‘Continuity or change: considering the policy implications of a Conservative government’, People, Place and Policy Online, Vol.3 (1). 

Dey, P. and Teasdale, S. (2013) ‘Social enterprise and dis/identification: the politics of identity work in the English third sector’, Administrative Theory and Praxis, Vol.35 (2).  

Dickinson, H. and Miller, R. (2011) ‘GP commissioning: implications for the third sector’, Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.2 (2). 

Dickinson, H. and Neal, C. (2011) ‘Single point of access to third sector services: the Conwy collaborative approach’, Journal of Integrated Care, Vol.19 (2).     

Doherty, B., Haugh, H. and Lyon, F. (2014) 'Social Enterprises as Hybrid Organizations: A Review and Research Agenda', International Journal of Management Reviews, Open Access, Early View (online version published before inclusion in an issue).

Downe, J., Martin, S. and Bovaird, T. (2012) ‘Learning from complex policy evaluation’, Policy and Politics, Vol.40 (4). 

Edwards, R., Smith, G., Buchs, M. (2013), ‘Environmental Management Systems and the third sector: Exploring the implications of weak adoption in the UK’, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, Vol.31 (1).  

Goodson, L. and Phillimore, J. (2010) ‘A community research methodology: working with new migrants to develop a policy related evidence base’, Social Policy and Society, Vol. 9 (4).  

Hall, K., Alcock, P. and Millar, R. (2012) ‘Start up and sustainability: marketisation and the Social Enterprise Investment Fund in England’, Journal of Social Policy, Vol.41 (4). 

Kamerāde, D. and Ellis Paine, A (2014) 'Volunteering and employability: implications for policy and practice', Voluntary Sector Review, Volume 5, Number 2, July 2014, pp. 259-273(15).

Kendall, J. (2010a) ‘Bringing ideology back in: the erosion of political innocence in English third sector policy’, Journal of Political Ideologies, Vol.15 (3). 

Kendall, J. (2010b) ‘The limits and possibilities of third sector Europeanisation’, Journal of Civil Society, Vol.6 (1). 

Kendall, J. and Deakin, N. (2010) ‘Editorial: political ideologies and the third sector’, Journal of Political Ideologies, Vol.15 (3). 

Lindsey, R. (2013) ‘Exploring local hotspots and deserts: investigating the local distribution of charitable resources’, Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.4 (1).   

Lyon, F. (2012) ‘Gender balance in the governance of social enterprise’, Local Economy, Vol.27 (8). 

Lyon, F. and Fernandez, H. (2012) ‘Strategies for scaling up social enterprise: lessons from early year’s providers’, Social Enterprise Journal, Vol.8 (1).   

Lyon, F. and Sepulveda. (2009) ‘Mapping social enterprises: past approaches, challenges and future directions’, Social Enterprise Journal, Vol.5 (1).  

Macmillan, R. (2009) ‘Continuity and change: considering the policy implications of a Conservative government’, People, Place and Policy, Vol.3 (1).  

Macmillan, R. (2011a) ‘Supporting' the voluntary sector in an age of austerity: the UK coalition government's consultation on improving support for frontline civil society organisations in England’, Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.2 (1). 

Macmillan, R. (2011b) ‘The Big Society and participation failure’, People, Place and Policy, Vol.5 (2). 

Macmillan, R. (2013a) ‘Distinction' in the third sector’, Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.4 (1). 

Macmillan, R. (2013b) ‘De-coupling the state and the third sector? The ‘Big Society’ as a spontaneous order’, Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.4 (2)    

Macmillan, R. (2013c) ‘Demand-led capacity building, the Big Lottery Fund and market-making in third sector support services’ Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.4 (3). 

McCabe, A. and Davis, A. (2012) ‘Community development as mental health promotion: principles, practice and outcomes’, Community Development Journal, Vol.47 (4). 

McCulloch, A., Mohan, J. and Smith, P.(2012) ‘Patterns of social capital, voluntary activity, and area deprivation in England’, Environment and Planning A, Vol.44 (5).   

Millar, R., Hall, K. and Millar, R. (2012) ‘Right to request social enterprises: a welcome addition to third sector delivery of `English healthcare?’ Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.2 (2). 

Mills, A., Gojkovic, D., Meek, R., Mullins, D. (2013) ‘Housing ex-prisoners: the role of the third sector’, Safer Communities, Vol.12 (1).  

Mills, A., Meek, R. and Gojkovic, D. (2011) ‘Exploring the relationship between the voluntary sector and the state in criminal justice’, Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.2 (2). 

Minora, F., Teasdale, S, Mullins, D. and Jones, P. (2013) ‘Governing for Habitability. Self-organised communities in England and Italy’, International Journal of Co-operative Management.Vol.2 (1). 

Mohan, J. (2012a) ‘Geographical foundations of the “big society”', Environment and Planning A, Vol.44 (5). 

Mohan, J. (2012b) ‘Entering the lists: what can we learn about the voluntary sector in England from listings produced by local infrastructure bodies?’ Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.3 (2). 

Moore, T. and Mullins, D. (2013) ‘Scaling-up or going viral? Comparing self-help housing and community land trust facilitation’, Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.4 (3). 

Mullins, D. (2009a) ‘The Impact of Direct Public Funding for Private Developers on Non-Profit Housing Networks in England: Exploring a Research Agenda’, European Journal of Housing Policy, Vol.9 (2).  

Mullins, D. and van Bortel, G. (2010) ‘Neighbourhood regeneration and place leadership: lessons from Groningen and Birmingham’, Policy Studies, Vol.31 (4).  

Mullins, D. and Walker, B. (2009) ‘The impact of direct public funding for private developers on non-profit housing networks in England: exploring a research agenda’, European Journal of Housing Policy, Vol.9 (2).  

Mullins, D.(2009b) ‘Market Concepts, Co-ordination Mechanisms and New Actors in Social Housing’, International Journal of Housing Policy, Vol.9 (2). 

Mullins, D., Czischke, D. and Gruis, V. (2012) ‘Conceptualizing social enterprise in housing organisations’, Housing Studies, Vol.27 (4).     

Mullins, D., Czischke, D. and Van Bortel, G. (2012) ‘Exploring the meaning of hybridity and social enterprise in housing organisations’, Housing Studies, Vol. 27 (4).  

Mullins, D., Rees, J., Meek, R. (2012) ‘Open public services and the third sector-what's the evidence?’ Research in Public Policy, Vol.1 (13).  

Murdock, A., Wilding, K. and Sharrif, R. (2013) ‘Knowledge Exchange between academia and the third sector’, Evidence and Policy, Vol.9 (3).  

Phillimore, J. (2010a) ‘Implementing integration in the UK: lessons for integration theory, policy and practice’, Policy and Politics, Vol.40 (41).  

Phillimore, J. (2011b) ‘Refugees, acculturation strategies, stress and integration’, Journal of Social Policy, Vol.40 (3). 

Phillimore, J. (2013) ‘Housing, home and neighbourhood renewal in the era of superdiversity: some lessons from the West Midlands’, Housing Studies, Vol.28 (5).

Phillimore, J. and Goodson, L. (2010) ‘Failing to adapt: institutional barriers to RCOs engagement in transformation of social welfare’, Social Policy and Society, Vol.9 (2). 

Rees, J. (2014) 'Public sector commissioning and the third sector: Old wine in new bottles?',Public Policy and Administration, January 2014 vol. 29 no. 1 45-63.

Rhodes, M. L. and Mullins, D. (2009) ‘Market concepts, co-ordination mechanisms and new actors in social housing’, European Journal of Housing Policy, Vol.9 (2).  

Scott, D. and Teasdale, S. (2012) ‘Whose failure? Learning from the collapse of a social enterprise in Steeltown’, Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.3 (2).   

Sepulveda, L. (2012) ‘Social enterprise and ethnic minorities: exploring the consequences of the evolving British policy agenda’, Environment and Planning C, Vol.31 (4). 

Sepulveda, L., Syrett, S. and Lyon, F. (2011) ‘Population superdiversity and new migrant enterprise: the case of London’, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Vol.23 (7-8). 

Smith, G. and Teasdale, S. (2012) ‘Associative democracy and the social economy: exploring the regulatory challenge’, Economy and Society, Vol.41 (2). 

Soteri-Proctor, A. and Alcock, P. (2012) ‘Micro-Mapping: what lies beneath the third sector radar?' Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.3 (3).  

Sunley, P. and Pinch, S. (2012) ‘Financing social enterprise: social bricolage or evolutionary entrepreneurialism?’ Policy and Politics, Vol.8 (2).

Syrett, S. and Sepulveda, L. (2011) ‘Realising the diversity dividend: population diversity and urban economic development’, Environment and Planning A, Vol.43 (2). 

Teasdale, S. (2010a) ‘How can social enterprise address disadvantage? Evidence from an inner city community’, Journal of Non-profit & Public Sector Marketing, Vol. 22 (2).  

Teasdale, S. (2010b) ‘Explaining the multifaceted nature of social enterprise: impression management as (social) entrepreneurial behaviour’, Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.1 (3).  

Teasdale, S. (2010c) ‘Models of social enterprise in the homelessness field’, Social Enterprise Journal, Vol.6 (1).  

Teasdale, S. (2011) ‘What's in a name? Making sense of social enterprise discourses’, Public Policy and Administration, Vol.27 (1). 

Teasdale, S. (2012a) ‘Critical perspectives on social enterprise’, Social Enterprise Journal, Vol.8 (2). 

Teasdale, S. (2012b) ‘Negotiating tensions: How do social enterprises balance social and commercial considerations?’, Housing Studies, Vol.27 (4). 

Teasdale, S. (2013) ‘Oil and water rarely mix: Exploring the relative stability of Non-profit revenue mixes over time’, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, Vol.4 (1). 

Teasdale, S., Alcock, P. and Smith, G. (2012) ‘Legislating for a Big Society? The case of the Public Services (Social Enterprise and Social Value) Bill’, Public Money and Management, Vol.32 (3).  

Teasdale, S., Lyon, F. and Baldock, R. (2013) ‘Playing with Numbers: A methodological critique of the social enterprise growth myth’, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, Vol.2 (1). 

Teasdale, S., McKay, S., Phillimore, J. and Teasdale, N. (2011) ‘Exploring gender and social entrepreneurship: women’s leadership, employment and participation in the third sector and social enterprises’, Voluntary Sector Review, Vol.2 (1).  

Van Bortel, G. and Mullins, D. (2009) ‘Critical perspectives on network governance in urban regeneration, community involvement and integration’, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, Vol.24 (2).  

Van Bortel, G., Mullins, D. and Gruis, V. (2010) ''Change for the better?’ – Making sense of housing association mergers in the Netherlands and England’, Journal of Housing and the Built environment, Vol.25 (3).  

Van Bortel, G., Mullins, D. and Rhodes, M. (2009) ‘Exploring network governance in urban regeneration, community involvement and integration’, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, Vol.24 (2).  


Major reports


Ten Years of the Third Sector Research Centre
This year we marked the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the Third Sector Research Centre with a highly-successful day conference at Birmingham Voluntary Services Council in February. Now we publish a retrospective view of the Centre’s activities so far.


Understanding the UK third sector: The work of TSRC
2008-2013  (PDF 3.64MB) 

Read the summary and the background to this report. 


Unity in diversity: What is the future for the third sector?
Third Sector Futures Dialogue 2012-2013
   (PDF, 2.67MB) 


Informing civil society: The work of the Third Sector Research Centre 2008-2010 (PDF, 1.82MB)  


TSRC annual review, June 2010 (PDF, 1.02MB) 

Other publications

This page brings together TSRC research reports, discussion papers, and other publications which are not part of the Working Paper series. 





  • Research Report 125: Building capabilities in the voluntary sector: What the evidence tells us (PDF)


  • 'Real Times' series of longitudinal research reports

ESRC/TSRC co-centre seminar series:

  • Seminar one: the third sector as a public service provider (October 2012)
    PDF download (264KB)
  • Seminar two: social enterprise and environmental sustainability (April 2013)
    PDF download (279KB)
  • Seminar four: innovations in public services (June 2013)
    PDF download (296KB)

ESRC Public Policy seminar series

  • Changing realities of the third sector: seminars one to four
    (December 2011-November 2012)
    PDF download (456KB)

TSRC Discussion Papers

  • Discussion Paper F: Roma Civil Society: Deliberative Democracy for Change in Europe, Thomas Acton and Andrew Ryder (February 2013)
    PDF download (502KB)
  • Discussion Paper E: Exploring social media as a tool for knowledge exchange: the #btr11 experiment, Amy Burnage and Roxanne Persaud (September 2012)
    PDF download (1MB) | Summary Review PDF (342KB)
  • Discussion Paper D: The real Big Society: Gypsy Traveller tenants and residents’ associations and the role of social capital and empowerment in reversing exclusion
    PDF Download (548KB)
  • Discussion Paper C: Lost in Austerity: rethinking the community sector, Niall Crowley (June 2012)
    PDF Download (192KB)
  • Discussion Paper B: Community engagement in the social eco-system dance, Eileen Conn (July 2011)
    PDF Download (900KB)

Third Sector Futures Dialogues

  • Big Picture Paper 1: The worst of times?
    Pete Alcock, Rob Macmillan and Sarah Bulloch (September 2012)
    PDF Download (391KB)
  • Big Picture Paper 2: No longer a 'voluntary' sector?
    Heather Buckingham (October 2012)
    PDF Download (318KB)
  • Big Picture Paper 3: Is the third sector so special? What is it worth?
    Angus McCabe (November 2012)
    PDF Download (463KB)
  • Big Picture Paper 4: Is the third sector being overwhelmed by the state and the market?, Teasdale, Buckingham and Rees (January 2013) PDF Download 
  • Big Picture Paper 5: A strategic lead for the third sector? Some may lead, but not all will ever follow 

Survey report for HACT: Community investment by social housing organisations: measuring the impact, Vanessa Wilkes and Professor David Mullins (March 2012)
Report (PDF 1.21MB) | Summary report (PDF, 661KB)

Scoping report: BIG as a Policy Actor: Exploring BIG’s impact on third sector policy and practice, Angela Ellis Paine, Rebecca Taylor and Pete Alcock (May 2011)
Introduction | Report

TSRC annual review, June 2010

Article: Third sector organisation and public service. What can research tell us?Professor Pete Alcock, Published in ESRC’s annual magazine, Britain in 2010

The rural social economy: Surviving the credit crunch, Angus McCabe