Perspective archive
Read our previous Perspectives:
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- Retail 2021 and Looking Forward to 2022: A hybrid Future
Dr Sarah Montano (20 December 2021)
- How to celebrate Christmas this year? Inspired by Charles Dickens
Professor Michaela Mahlberg (17 December 2021)
- How might Omicron impact potential future COVID-19 variants?
Professor Adam Cunningham (16 December 2021)
- Germany enters a new era – but how much will change for inner German unity?
Dr Charlotte Galpin and Professor Sara Jones (14 December 2021)
- An evaluation framework to assess countries' performance in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic
Dr. Anandadeep Mandal (16 November 2021)
- COP26 – Climate Change and the need to Shift Beyond ‘Blah, Blah, Blah’ towards Individual Responsibility
Professor John Bryson (10 November 2021)
- Adult Social Care under Pressure: Lessons from the Pandemic
Professor Jean V. McHale and Dr Laura Noszlopy (03 November 2021)
- A UK Budget for a New Age, but What type of New Age?
Professor John Bryson (27 October 2021)
- Addressing the Climate Crisis
Professor Laura Green OBE (18 October 2021)
- What does it take to discover a new medicine?
Professor Ruth Roberts (05 October 2021)
- The Opening of The Exchange takes Birmingham Back to the Future
Dr Matt Cole (30 September 2021)
- Gas price increases and gas energy storage
Dr Grant Wilson (24 September 2021)
- Special for whom?
Professor David Dunn (22 September 2021)
- Let's Talk about Sex Education and Human Rights
Dr Meghan Campbell (14 September 2021)
- Happy Returns? Reflections on the Impact of COVID-19 on Young People's Mental Health
Dr Rachel Winter, Dr Anna Lavis (10 September 2021)
- This is not the first time in history that culpability for abortion has shifted
Professor Candida Moss (07 September 2021)
- The Demise of US backed Political Order and the return of Taliban in Afghanistan
Umer Karim (18 August 2021)
- Planting the seed for a more food secure future
Dr Jade Phillips, Dr Shelagh Kell, Professor Nigel Maxted, Professor Fiona Nunan (10 August 2021)
- A decade of false dawns: Why the new VAWG strategy feels all too familiar
Professor Heather Flowe (03 August 2021)
- Who belongs in space?
Dr Leah-Nani Alconcel (22 July 2021)
- Birmingham, the Olympics and the Commonwealth Games
Dr Matt Cole (21 July 2021)
- How can improving ecosystems contribute to poverty alleviation in the Global South?
Profossor Fiona Nunan (15 July 2021)
- Is loneliness an exclusively ‘modern’ epidemic?
Hannah Yip, Thomas Clifton (07 July 2021)
- Matt Hancock, camera carnage and wider public civil liberties
Dr Steve Hewitt (30 June 2021)
- Enduring, Surviving, Articulating: the HIV-AIDS Pandemic and New York Poetry
Dr Rona Cran (28 June 2021)
- Foreign Holidays, Flight Shame and Post-Pandemic Adaptation of the Aviation and Tourism Industries to Climate Change
Professor John Bryson (25 June 2021)
- Exoplanet team in Antarctica celebrate their darkest night
Professor Amaury Triaud (21 June 2021)
- Examining the insights and beliefs of the UK population on COVID-19 vaccine uptake and hesitancy
Dr Anandadeep Mandal (18 June 2021)
- Beyond Special? UK-US relations at the G7 Summit
Professor David Dunn (11 June 2021)
- Why we need to save the Amazon
Adriane Esquivel Muelbert (03 June 2021)
- Lessons from History and the Future of Belarus
Dr Klaus Richter (28 May 2021)
- Streets ahead – for now
Dr Matt Cole (12 May 2021)
- International Nurses Day 2021 - supporting student nurses through the pandemic and summarising a vision for future healthcare
Zoe Parker (11 May 2021)
- What goes up must come down: The challenge of maintaining performance in elite football
Dr Barry Drust and Jordan Slack (27 April 2021)
- Mud-slinging, Sleaze and the British Political Process
Professor John Bryson (23 April 2021)
- Why is a Healthy Ageing MOOC important now?
Dr Carolyn Greig, Professor Janice Thompson and Dr Victoria Goodyear (15 April 2021)
- Suez Canal: the fluid dynamics behind the Ever Given ship blockage
Dr Bruno Fraga (08 April 2021)
- Did Covid-19 social care 'easements' make anything easier?
Professor Jean McHale and Dr Laura Noszlopy (27 March 2021)
- Enough of the talking, but more action against Sexual Violence
Dr Heather Flowe (16 March 2021)
- Mars Perseverance Rover landing – what can we expect?
Dr Gareth Dorrian (16 March 2021)
- Nurse in Residence: supporting the integration of the arts and health and well-being
Jane Nicol (08 March 2021)
- The March Budget 2021 and the Thunberg/Attenborough Effect: the myth of building back better rather than decarbonising
Professor John Bryson (26 February 2021)
- The Medicines and Medical Devices Act 2021 and Uncertain Regulatory Futures
Dr Laura Downey, Dr Rachael Dickson, Victoria Moore, Professor Muireann Quigley, Professor Jean V. McHale (24 February 2021)
- Multilingualism in International Institutions: The Court of Justice of the European Union
Professor Karen McAuliffe (18 February 2021)
- London’s continued future as a Global Financial Centre in the post-Brexit Era
Professor John Bryson (15 February 2021)
- Barber Health: Investigating the role of art in a Covid world
Jen Ridding (12 February 2021)
- The ‘Everything to Everybody’ Project presents World’s Stage
Professor Ewan Fernie (04 February 2021)
- US, Iran, and Nuclear Talks: Is There Way Out of "You Go First" Dilemma?
Emeritus Professor Scott Lucas (03 February 2021)
- Beyond Nation First? COVID-19, Climate Change and Global Solutions Required for Global Problems
Professor John Bryson (29 January 2021)
- Unleashing the conservation potential of captive parrots by enabling wild behaviours
Ricardo Lemos de Figueiredo and Dr. Jackie Chappell (27 January 2021)
- Planning a post-covid wellbeing economy - what can we learn about policy innovation from Operation Moonshot?
Dr Sarah Ball and Dr Jessica Pykett (20 January 2021)
- The opportunities of electric vehicle battery recycling
Dr Paul Anderson, Dr Gavin Harper (13 January 2021)
- Key trends for 2021 to look out for
Professor John Bryson, Professor Janet lord, Professor William Bloss and Dr Suzanne Bartington, Dr Matt Cole and Dr Gavin Harper (08 January 2021)
- A seven-point plan to tackle the world’s biggest cooling challenge
Professor Toby Peters and Professor Phil Greening (17 December 2020)
- Thirsty and Drunken Christmas trees
PhD student Aleksandra Kulawska, Professor Rob MacKenzie, Dr Sami Ullah (16 December 2020)
- Viewing ‘the Vagrant’: the 1824 Vagrancy Act in action
Professor Nick Crowson (02 December 2020)
- Trump’s Terrible fall from Triumph: A Story about a sore loser
Katie Sparks (30 November 2020)
- Why Human Rights needs the Humanities
Professor Lyndsey Stonebridge (25 November 2020)
- The web of influence: Restricting junk food marketing in a digital world is a healthy step in the right direction
Citta Widagdo (23 November 2020)
- On UNESCO’s 75th Anniversary...why water science is vital for “The Future We Want”
Professor David Hannah and Professor Harry Dixon (16 November 2020)
- Anti-lockdown politics: A successful revival for Farage’s right-wing populism?
Marco Guglielmo (10 November 2020)
- Terror threats and the experiences of cities
Dr Sara Fregonese and Dr Paul Simpson (03 November 2020)
- Are there ghosts in the City of Birmingham?
Professor I.M.G Host (28 October 2020)
- Shock, Risk and Resilience: The Birmingham Economic Review (BER2020) Provides a Snapshot of a City-Region Disrupted
Professor Simon Collinson (20 October 2020)
- Football is still everything without its fans?
Katie Sparks (13 October 2020)
- Brexit Sabre-rattling?
Professor Anthony Arnull (07 October 2020)
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg: a careful, precise, and unwavering lawyer
Professor Fiona de Londras (22 September 2020)
- Lebanon Was in Deep Trouble. Now It's in Cataclysmic Trouble.
Professor Scott Lucas and Arnov Paul-Choudhury (18 September 2020)
- Character Matters
Professor James Arthur (15 September 2020)
- COVID and Suicide Prevention: Perspectives from Social Media
Dr Anna Lavis (10 September 2020)
- Improving health and creating wealth: the two keys to reducing knife crime and violence
Professor Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay (09 September 2020)
- How can we reduce pathogen transmission rates from contaminated surfaces?
Dr Felicity de Cogan and Dr Anna Peacock (20 August 2020)
- Is fat shaming a thing of the past?
Dr Andrew Bayliss (26 August 2020)
- How can we reduce pathogen transmission rates from contaminated surfaces?
Dr Felicity de Cogan and Dr Anna Peacock (20 August 2020)
- Young people and easing the restrictions: give them one finger and they take the whole hand?
Dr Renate Reniers (17 August 2020)
- Are we having a Plastic Moment?
Professor Peter Kraftl (11 August 2020)
- What makes St Teresa of Calcutta an un-convent-ional subject?
Dr Gëzim Alpion (29 July 2020)
- 75 Years Later, It is Time for the UK to Properly Celebrate the End of World War II
Professor Scott Lucas and Arnov Paul-Choudhury (28 July 2020)
- The Road to Low Carbon Heat
Professor Martin Freer (23 July 2020)
- Freedom and Fear: Lessons from the New Findings about PREVENT
Professor Lisa Downing (16 July 2020)
- Gulp!: making choices, stories and theatre about water
Dr Adam Ledger (16 July 2020)
- A Brave New World: Building Back Better from COVID-19
Maclina Birungi and Dr William Robert Avis (15 July 2020)
- Goodbye John Lewis – Birmingham - from central business districts to edge city business districts
Professor John Bryson (10 July 2020)
- Lessons from COVID-19 on the economics of obesity: an urgent call for action
Professor Emma Frew (08 July 2020)
- Census data without the need for a separate Sikh ethnic tick box
Dr Jagbir Jhutti-Johal (02 July 2020)
- COVID illuminates global inequalities in workers’ rights and working conditions
Professor Tony Dobbins (24 June 2020)
- Dentists as superheroes in the fight against the virus
Professor Damien Walmsley (24 June 2020)
- The concept of Loneliness
Valeria Motta (18 June 2020)
- What “The Last Dance” Teaches Us About Leadership in the World of Elite Sport
Saul Schrom (16 June 2020)
- The life and legacy of Joseph Chamberlain
Dr Matt Cole, (11 June 2020)
- How would Charles Dickens have felt about the Lockdown?
Dr Caroline Radcliffe, (05 June 2020)
- A Movement Rises from a Murder: The George Floyd Protests
Professor Scott Lucas (04 June 2020)
- Trust, social media and health: Young people's uses of social media during COVID-19 and beyond
Dr Victoria Goodyear (27 May 2020)
- Covid-19 – from the on-campus to the online University
Professor John Bryson (21 May 2020)
- Delusional themes and the Covid-19 pandemic: Finding meaning in uncertainty
Dr Clara Humpston (20 May 2020)
- Untamed and Close to Power: How Europe’s Populist Parties Are Navigating Coronavirus
Dr Daniele Albertazzi (15 May 2020)
- Challenge of returning to football
Professor Barry Drust (14 May 2020)
- COVID-19 and clinical negligence litigation, law reform
John Tingle (4 May 2020)
- COVID-19 and the need for whole health systems
Professor Justine Davies (1 May 2020)
- Why do young people take more risks against social distancing?
Dr Renate Reinier (30 April 2020)
- A new hospital in nine days? Why can’t all projects be like this?
Dr Mark Hall (23 April 2020)
- American Exceptionalism in the Era of Coronavirus
Dr Jeanne Morefield (22 April 2020)
- Use nature to support your well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic
Eszter Tóth (09 April 2020)
- The Coronavirus (SARS CoV2) pandemic-wildlife link. Putting it in context
Dr Steve Unwin (08 April 2020)
- School Leadership and Covid-19: a chance to create a better education system in England for the long-term
Professor Colin Diamond CBE (07 April 2020)
- Auto industry hit from Coronavirus could be even bigger than latest forecast
Professor David Bailey (31 March 2020)
- Prepare now to sustainably deliver the COVID-19 vaccine
Professor Pawanexh Kohli (27 March 2020)
- Social Media and Physical Activity Education for Young People during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Dr Victoria Goodyear (26 March 2020)
- Dealing with Coronavirus: how can we learn from Africa's experience?
Professor Richard Black (25 March 2020)
- Responsible Business and Responsible Citizenship: Mutual Aid, Self-Isolation and the Covid-19 Pandemic
Professor John Bryson (17 March 2020)
- The COVID-19 Effect: why coronavirus is eclipsing Thunberg on climate change
Professor John Bryson (09 March 2020)
- Is Birmingham a Just City
Liam O'Farrell (04 March 2020)
- Understanding the complexity of suicide and suicidal behaviour
Dr Maria Michail (18 February 2020)
- The Care We Want?
Dr Denise Tanner, Nick Le Mesurier (10 February 2020)
- Wilkie Collins and Charles Dickens beat director, Robert Eggers, to 'The Lighthouse'
Dr Caroline Radcliffe (7 February 2020)
- Lone-Actor Terrorism: Can Anything Be Done?
Dr Steve Hewitt (4 February 2020)
- Can The Daily Mile™ help prevent childhood obesity?
Professor Emma Frew (28 January 2020)
- Would there be any benefit if Conservative Central Headquarters Moved to Birmingham?
Ben Brittain (21 January 2020)
- Labour's dilemma began long before Corbyn
Dr Matt Cole (15 January 2020)
- Could our Christmas “sparkle” be harming our health and that of the planet?
Professor Iseult Lynch, Dr Holly Nel and Professor Dr Stefan Krause (17 December 2019)
- Alone but not lonely: How to support yourself and others this Christmas
Mary Quinton (17 December 2019)
- Cybersecurity and the UK Election: How Current Cyber Laws are Making the UK Less Safe
Dr John Child (05 December 2019)
- Why do we like Christmas adverts so much? Figurative Tropes in the Excitable Edgar Video
Professor Jeanette Littlemore, Paula Perez Sobrino and Samantha Ford (04 December 2019)
- Captive cash: Why promised mental health funding needs to reach further
Dr Sarah Carr (25 November 2019)
- Promise treescapes, not trees
Professor Rob Mackenzie (21 November 2019)
- Is vaping safe?
Dr Simon Cotton (15 November 2019)
- Anti-bullying week: Social Media and the upcoming General Election
Laura Bliss (14 November 2019)
- What could Brexit mean for our access to medicines?
Dr Anthony Cox (29 October 2019)
- It could have been worse for Justin Trudeau
Dr Steve Hewitt (22 October 2019)
- At the time of going to press...
Dr Matt Cole (18 October 2019)
- Euphemism and Fertility
Professor Jeannette Littlemore and Dr Jackson Kirkman-Brown (9 October 2019)
- Gender Sensitive Parliaments
Dr Meghan Campbell (27 September 2019)
- No Deal Brexit and UK Manufacturing
Professor David Bailey (18 September 2019)
- Peaky Blinders: a gritty brand for Birmingham?
Jemma Saunders and Finola Kerrigan (22 August 2019)
- Boris Johnson, David Lloyd George and Charles I: the lessons of history
Dr Matt Cole (08 August 2019)
- Reflections on the 100th Anniversary of the Addison Act: Housing as a Social or Economic Asset
Professor John Bryson (01 August 2019)
- Is it normal to believe you have been abducted by aliens?
Dr Ema Sullivan-Bissett (24 July 2019)
- Netflix: The New Outlet for US Progressive Politics?
Charlie Avery (18 July 2019)
- The undiplomatic signals of diplomacy
Professor David Dunn (11 July 2019)
- If I had been born Henry, not Mary, my life would have been very different
Cai Lyons (04 July 2019)
- Turkey's Erdogan Tries to Bury Defeat in Istanbul Election - But Can He?
Professor Scott Lucas (26 June 2019)
- We Refugees
Professor Lyndsey Stonebridge (19 June 2019)
- Industry 4.0 and what to expect for industrial policy
Professor David Bailey and Professor Lisa De Propis (12 June 2019)
- 'Forged by Fire': burns injury and identity in Britain, 1800-2000
Professor Jonathan Reinarz (05 June 2019)
- Migrants and the Making of Modern Birmingham
Jon Bloom (29 May 2019)
- US-Iran conflict is heating up, but Trump and his team are not in sync
Dr Adam Quinn (23 May 2019)
- Can Animal Assisted Therapies Help to Tackle Issues of Wellbeing and Mental Health?
Alison Broad (16 May 2019)
- Fighting for democratic rights: what can we learn from 1989 in 2019?
Professor Sara Jones (09 May 2019)
- A Generational Step-Change? The Rail Delivery Group's Proposals for a New Railway
Dr Luke Butler (03 May 2019)
- ‘Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder’: Game of Thrones and dysfunctional politics
Professor Paul Jackson (18 April 2019)
- Game of Thrones: A Song of Damaging Masculinity
Louise Coopey (11 April 2019)
- Indian Elections: Unravelling the biggest festival of democracy
Professor Robin Mason and Dipankar Chakraborty (09 April 2019)
- Over to you Jeremy
Dr Matt Cole (04 April 2019)
- Fake news a dental education perspective
Professor Damien Walmsley and Marco Antonio Dias da Silva (27 March 2019)
- Start talking to strangers
Professor Sylvie Delacroix (21 March 2019)
- Let’s give space to experimentation and temporary urbanism to allow struggling towns to thrive again.
Dr Lauren Andres (15 March 2019)
- Just how much pain and suffering was experienced in later prehistoric human sacrifice?
Professor Henry Chapman (06 March 2019)
- Enhancing the Civic Role of UK Universities
Professor Simon Collinson (28 February 2019)
- “She’s Not Likeable”: Shamima Begum, Sex Stereotypes, and the Scourge of Emotionalism in Public Discourse
Professor Lisa Downing (25 February 2019)
- Lessons to learn from the SDP for the Independents
Dr Matt Cole (20 February 2019)
- Ovarian cancer: Why identifying new approaches and challenging current treatment strategies is crucial to improving survival rates
Professor Sean Kehoe (14 February 2019)
- Insuring the Peace: the Brexit Backstop
Dr Ben Warwick (05 February 2019)
- Alien Footprints: Lessons from Antarctica
Jesamine Bartlett (30 January 2019)
- "What We Have Is Going to Be Gone": How Trump Shutdown Is Affecting Millions of Americans
Professor Scott Lucas (24 January 2019)
- Controlling Climate Change
Emeritus Professor Richard P Tuckett (17 January 2019)
- Two New Year's stabbings and an urgent lesson in how to react to terrorism
Dr Steve Hewitt (07 January 2019)
- Sikh Ethnic Tick Box for the UK 2021 Census – ONS assesses evidence and says ‘No’
Dr Jagbir Jhutti-Johal (01 January 2019)
- The banned Iceland ad: to be political or not to be?
Dr Delphine Gibassier (17 December 2018)
- UKIP: how the party is battling to stay relevant
Dr Alex Oaten (12 December 2018)
- Testimony after the Survivors: Schindler's List about the Holocaust
Professor Sara Jones (11 December 2018)
- Tensions at Sea: what do Russia's actions against Ukraine tell us about the 'new' world order
Professor Kataryna Wolczuk (04 December 2018)
- Never mind Brexit - The Germans love you
Dr Katherina Karcher (26 November 2018)
- Theresa May’s dog-whistle rhetoric on EU citizens jumping the queue – and its effect on my four-year-old.
Dr Nando Sigona(21 November 2018)
- Most children who have their tonsils removed don't benefit
Professor Tom Marshall and Dr Dana Sumilo (15 November 2018)
- US mid-term results: six key issues and what they mean for the country's uncertain future
Professor Scott Lucas (07 November 2018)
- War mothers as peace builders
Dr Emma West (01 November 2018)
- Disagreement about the Economic Impact of Brexit and Implications for British economy
Dr Pei Kuang (29 October 2018)
- Terrorism by the State is still Terrorism
Dr Steve Hewitt (25 October 2018)
- Dr Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
Professor Janine Natalya Clark (22 October 2018)
- The creation of Czechoslovakia and its identity politics
Dr Marta Filipová (18 October 2018)
- Project PERFECT meets Out of Blue : Changing perceptions of mental health difficulties
Professor Lisa Bortolotti (10 October 2018)
- Age, elite performance in sport and the longevity of Tiger Woods
Dr Martin Toms (05 October 2018)
- The future of work during an era of disruptive process and technological change:Reflections on a debate held at the University of Birmingham Dubai
Professor Jon Bryson (02 October 2018)
- What might a post-Wonga world look like?
Professor Karen Rowlingson (25 September 2018)
- How virtual reality could help train GPs to spot signs of child abuse
Professor Sylvia Delacroix (20 September 2018)
- Explaining Basra’s unrest — from polluted water to a cry against Iraq’s elites and Iran
Balsam Mustafa (13 September 2018)
- Speaking Up in Health Care: The Canary in the Mine?
Professor Russell Mannion (06 September 2018)
- The impact of Brexit on the NHS
Professor Jean V. McHale (03 September 2018)
- HMP Birmingham – the challenge of privatisation within a struggling prison system
Dr Anna Kotova (30 August 2018)
- Trump, Cohen, and a "Criminal Violation" of US Law
Professor Scott Lucas (23 August 2018)
- Busting the myths of Clearing
Cathy Gilbert (15 August 2018)
- Brexit and the Art of the Deal
Professor Anthony Arnull and Professor Scott Lucas (09 August 2018)
- Sikh ethnic tick box in the 2021 Census and a question about research and methodology?
Dr Jagbir Jhutti-Johal (02 August 2018)
- 'Achieving closure?' What happens to older people when care homes close?
Professor Jon Glasby (26 July 2018)
- Trumpian Diplomacy and UK-US Relations
Professor David Dunn (20 July 2018)
- (Mis?) Remembering Madiba: The Contested Legacy of Nelson Mandela
Dr Jonathan Fisher (18 July 2018)
- Overcoming the ‘wicked problem’ of Brexit
Dr Jamie Gaskarth (13 July 2018)
- Education in the second 80 years of Birmingham Medical School
Dr John Curnow (12 July 2018)
- The NHS: Life begins at 70?
Professor Martin Powell (05 July 2018)
- Vitamin D supplementation in the United Kingdom: time for change
Dr Wolfgang Hogler and Dr Suma Uday (27 June 2018)
- Cold War History: The Berlin Blockade and Airlift
Dr Armin Grunbacher (22 June 2018)
- Returning Foreign Fighters – what are the ethical and practical responsibilities?
Dr Katherine E Brown (21 June 2018)
- Why we fund social care differently to the NHS and why there is a need for a change
Professor Jon Glasby (19 June 2018)
- A new funding deal for the NHS: are we (and the NHS) ready to grasp the nettle?
Professor Judith Smith (18 June 2018)
- Twenty-five years since Jurassic Park – A look at the digital (r)evolution in palaeontology
Dr Stephan Lautenschlager (13 June 2018)
- The impact of international volunteering on the Conservative Party and its members (2007-17)
Dr Danielle Beswick and Dr Mattias Hjort (07 June 2018)
- Women’s Empowerment in the Global South - Multinational Corporations Doing the Right Thing?
Dr Laura McCarthy (24 May 2018)
- Youth mental health and early intervention
Professor Matthew Broome (17 May 2018)
- 'One size fits all' approach to mental health doesn't work for BAME communities
Dr Jagbir Jhutti-Johal and Jasvir Singh OBE (17 May 2018)
- Do insects get sick? - Emerging infectious diseases in bees and hover flies
Dr Scott Hayward (09 May 2018)
- Luke, Obi-Wan, US Foreign Policy: Thoughts on Star Wars Day
Professor Scott Lucas (03 May 2018)
- An Unlikely Bestseller: The Little Prince at 75 years
Professor Helen Abbott (01 May 2018)
- Is it all about control? A behavioural science perspective on AI and the future of the labour market
Professor Ganna Pogrebna (26 April 2018)
- Windrush generation is not alone – children of EU-born citizens could be next
Dr Nando Sigona (19 April 2018)
- Knife crime and murder in London: imagining solutions beyond policing
Dr Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay (12 April 2018)
- Why the unfolding story of Cambridge Analytica matters
Professor Scott Lucas (05 April 2018)
- Struggling workforce as EU Doctors consider leaving NHS: what Brexit means for our healthcare system
Professor Mark Exworthy (29 March 2018)
- The Russian Presidential Elections: why ‘winning big’ was important for the Putin regime
Dr David White (22 March 2018)
- The Spring Statement: 2018 reactions
Dr Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay, Professor John Bryson, Professor John Fender (14 March 2018)
- The Italian election of 2018: what we know so far about who could form a government
Dr Daniele Albertazzi (09 March 2018)
- The Oscars: 90 years on, where are all the women?
Dr Finola Kerrigan (2 March 2018)
- Black Panther, More Than Just a Superhero Movie
Dr Finola Kerrigan (22 February 2018)
- Waterhouse and the Nymphs
Professor John Holmes (22 February 2018)
- Is there a future for gay villages?
Dr Phil Jones (15 February 2018)
- Angela Merkel and the German coalition talks – is it really a crisis?
Dr Charlotte Galpin (12 February 2018)
- Defence: Another case of “Trying to have your cake and eat it”
Professor David Dunn (02 February 2018)
- Trump as a performance artist
Professor Scott Lucas, Anoushka Raval (26 January 2018)
- Aussie flu: how do we know if we have it or just a bad cold?
Professor Robin May (18 January 2018)
- New Year New You?
Professor Heather Widdows (04 January 2018)