The Midlands Endocrine and Diabetes Club

Organised by the Department of Metabolism Systems Science, MEDC brings together all healthcare and allied professionals twice a year for a vibrant meeting. Our varied programme comprises debates, update lectures, research and interesting case presentations, particularly from those in training and clinical fellows. Prizes are awarded for the best presentations on the day. The next event will take place on Friday 18 October 2024, 12:30-17:00 at the Edgbaston Park Hotel.


This meeting is open for consultants, doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and researchers based in the UK. Please note that the event is in-person only. 



Please submit your abstract(s) by midnight on 27 September 2024 by following the below link. Please see the below instructions on submitting abstracts and note that abstract submission is only open for trainees and medical students in West Midlands, UK.

Submit your abstract

Please see the Event Attendees Privacy Notice for more information on how the University of Birmingham handles your data when you attend an event. 

Abstract submission guidelines

We warmly invite trainees and medical students in the West Midlands to submit an abstract to present at the MEDC meeting in October 2024

The top four selected abstracts will be chosen for oral presentation with prizes for the best presentations. E-posters will be displayed in the conference exhibition hall.


  • Trainees and medical students in the West Midlands can submit an abstract for the MEDC meeting
  • MEDC is a regional meeting so only trainees in the West Midlands can submit an abstract to the meeting,

Abstract requirements

  • Title: Maximum 200 characters
  • Word count: Up to 2000 characters
  • Abstract can be case reports, audits, quality improvement projects or original research
  • For original research abstracts, please use the headings:
  • Background, 2) Methods, 3) Results, 4) Conclusions

Required information (collected in the abstract submission form)

  • First and last name of corresponding (presenting) author
  • Email address (please use your NHS or university email address)
  • Job title
  • Institution/Trust
  • City
  • Country
  • Co-authors
  • Please provide the focus area of your abstract:
    • Adrenal, pituitary and neuroendocrinology, Reproductive endocrinology, Metabolic bone, diabetes,  obesity and cardiovascular, thyroid, endocrine-related cancer, other

You will be asked to confirm the following when submitting your abstract

  • By submitting an abstract, you are confirming you are available to attend the MEDC meeting on Friday 18 October 2024.
  • Confirm all the research meets the ethical guidelines, including adherence to the legal requirements of the study country.
  • Confirm when the abstract is accepted, you hereby agree for it to be published online on our website
  • If this abstract contains clinical information, please confirm you have consent from the patients / participants for presentation and publication of this data
  • Please declare if you received any funding for the work you are presenting in this abstract.
  • Any conflicts of interests to declare?

Thank you and good luck with your abstract submission!


Draft programme 
 12:30-13:25  Registration and lunch  
 13:25-13:30  Welcome and introductions Chair: Dr Helena Gleeson 

 Endocrine Update Lecture: "Genetic thyroid cancer syndromes"

Ms Hannah Nieto, BHP Clinician Scientist, University of Birmingham


 Chair: Dr Helena Gleeson
 13:55 - 14:05  OC 1: TBC  Chair: Dr Ansu Basu
 14:05 - 14:15  OC 2: TBC  Chair: Dr Ansu Basu
 14:15 - 14:25  OC 3: TBC  Chair: Dr Ansu Basu
 14:25 - 14:35  OC 4: TBC  Chair: Dr Ansu Basu
 14:35 - 14:50  Poster presentation roadshow  Chair: Dr Ansu Basu
 14:50 - 15:30  Refreshment break  
 15:30 - 15:55

 Diabetes Update Lecture - MODY

Dr Agata Juszczak, Consultant in Endocrinology, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital

 Chair: Dr Jane Dale
15:55 - 16:25

Endocrine Update Lecture

Professor Miles Levy, Professor of Clinical Endocrinology, University of Leicester, Consultant Physician and Endocrinologist, University Hospitals of Leicester

Chair: Dr John Ayuk
16:25 - 16:30  Prizes and closing remarks Chair: Dr Helena Gleeson

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