International economic law and policy

BA Modern Languages OU pathwayInternational Economic Law is an increasingly topical area of the law with momentous developments in all its various strands happening almost on a daily basis.

The International Economic Law and Policy Working Group (IELPWG) is a highly-focused discussion group for those numerous scholars (staff and PhD students) in Birmingham Law School with a core expertise and interest in trade, investment, antitrust and competition, finance and monetary affairs, EU internal and external trade. It works as an interest group with regular meetings where research is presented and topical developments discussed. While the core focus of the group is on the law, it is open to scholars coming from other disciplines (mostly economics and political science) and will also benefit from the contribution of invited speakers.

Group leads

  • Henok Asmelash - international trade law, regional economic integration and sustainable energy transition


  • Mariela de Amstalden - WTO law, global economic governance, IP rights, food and public health regulation
  • Anthony Arnull - European Court of Justice – EU governance – relationship between EU and UK
  • Lovleen Bhullar - Environment, health, human rights, India, WTO law.
  • Rilka Dragneva-Lewers - regional trade integration, Eurasia
  • Szilard Gaspar-Szilagyi - EU Common Commercial Policy, EU Investment Law and Policy, Investment Treaty Arbitration, Preferential Trade Agreements, Online Brokerage Platforms.
  • Martin Trybus - EU law and policy, public procurement, trade agreements

Doctoral researchers

  • Love Alfred - renewable energy and sustainable development
  • Ben Czapnik - WTO law, international economic law, animal policy and socio-legal techniques
  • Gosego Rockfall Lekgowe - Trade law and regional integration law, Africa.
  • Arinze Okiche - Regional integration and flexibility, competition law and sustainable development in Africa

Events 2021/22

  • 18 October 2021 - Ben Czapnik (Chinese University, Hong Kong) and Lorand Bartels (Cambridge) Moral Determinations in International Law: Lessons from the Seals Dispute  Watch event video
  • 15 November 2021 – Federico Ortino (King’s College London) and Mavluda Sattarova (Liverpool Law School) Origin and Evolution of Investment Treaty Standards: Progress or Regression? - Watch event video
  • 13 January 2022 – Amrita Bahri (ITAM),  Lovleen Bhullar (Birmingham) and Anoush der Boghossian (WTO) – “Finding Feet on Chocolate Boxes and Trade Agreements: Empowering Women Entrepreneurs amidst a Pandemic" -  Watch event video
  • 14 February 2022 - Henok Asmelash (Birmingham) and Luca Rubini (Birmingham) – “Taking Stock of the WTO Jurisprudence on Renewable Energy Support” -  Watch event video

Previous events