Please note the deadline for submission of presentation proposals has now passed.
Academic Programme
The academic programme will include presentations by the participants as well as four invited keynote speakers:
- Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen (University of Bath)
- Detmar Meurers (University of Tübingen)
- Andrea Révész (University College London)
- Jason Rothman (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
Doctoral Workshop and Roundtable
The conference will also offer a doctoral student workshop and a Roundtable on the topic of ‘Bilingualism and language learning in special populations’.
Types of Presentations
Individual papers
Length of presentation: 20 minutes followed by 5 minutes for Q&A.
A maximum of three colloquia will be accepted. Each colloquium may contain three to five thematically related papers (the colloquium is therefore either 90, 120 or 150 minutes long, depending on the number of papers).
The colloquium convener must submit a colloquium abstract that should describe the overall topic of the colloquium. This will be used by reviewers to assess the range and coherence of the papers. However, in addition to the colloquium abstract, colloquium presenters must submit their individual papers (that are part of the colloquium). They must mark them as part of a given colloquium by clearly indicating the general title of the colloquium.
The 120- and 150-minutes colloquia may reserve time for a discussant. This would, however, reduce the number of papers as follows:
- 120-minutes colloquium: 3 papers + discussant + discussion.
- 150-minutes colloquium: 4 papers + discussant + discussion.
The discussant has to be named in the colloquium abstract, have at least a PhD, must have an academic affiliation and must participate in the conference.
Please note that a colloquium is only accepted if at least 3 of the papers that are part of the colloquium are accepted. If the colloquium is rejected, individual papers may still be accepted as individual papers in parallel sessions.
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Papers at the doctoral student workshop
Length of presentation: 15 minutes of talk by the doctoral student, followed by 15 minutes for discussion. Doctoral students may (but are not obliged to) suggest a discussant of their choice, who, however, must participate in the conference.
The doctoral student workshop aims at fostering discussions of ongoing PhD research, as well as at obtaining feedback from senior researchers and other doctoral students. These workshops provide an opportunity for PhD students to present and discuss their work (15 minutes) and explore future directions (15 minutes). Doctoral students whose abstracts are accepted are required to send their abstract, presentation, and a limited number of specific questions to the senior discussant ahead of the conference. The discussant will lead a 15-minute feedback/discussion session of the PhD work.
Junior Researcher LAB award
All papers accepted for the doctoral workshop will be eligible for the Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism award for the most promising PhD project. Submissions for the LAB award need to be sent by e-mail to no later than two weeks before the doctoral workshop at EuroSLA 32. Before applying, please read carefully the detailed information on how to apply.
Further details on how to apply for the award
Abstract Submission Information
The deadline for submission of presentation proposals has now passed.
Abstract submission
The proposals for all presentations will be evaluated anonymously by at least three members of the EuroSLA 32 Scientific Committee. Evaluation criteria include:
- quality of the content
- clarity of the abstract
- contribution to the field
For colloquia, two additional assessment criteria apply:
- range of the papers
- coherence of the papers
Please note: doctoral students submitting abstracts for doctoral workshops must include some specific questions for the discussants.
Notification of acceptance will be communicated by end of April 2023.
Length of Abstracts
Individual papers, papers at the doctoral student workshop, or posters: max. 500 words including references.
Colloquium, general abstract: a maximum of 400 words including references.
Language Policy
The working language of the conference is English, but presentations are also welcome in other European languages.
Presenter Policy
Each participant can appear as the first author (and presenter) of one presentation only, regardless of whether this is a paper in the doctoral workshop or the conference proper. A colloquium convener can also present at the colloquium or elsewhere in the program.
The deadline for stipends available for doctoral students has now passed.
For further questions feel free to contact us at:
Conference website
We look forward to welcoming you in Birmingham, UK, in August 2023!