Rheumatology Research Group Principal Investigators
Professor Adam CroftProfessor of Translational Rheumatology
a.p.croft@bham.ac.ukResearch interest: Development of novel immunotherapies for patients with autoimmune rheumatic and chronic inflammatory diseases
Dr Marie Falahee
Lecturer in Behavioural Rheumatology
Research interests: Understanding the perspectives of individuals with, or at risk of musculoskeletal disorders
Professor Andrew Filer
Professor of Translational Rheumatology
Research interests: Developing novel biomarkers and therapies for inflammatory arthritis through the study of synovial tissue
Dr Ilfita Sahbudin
Associate Clinical Professor in Rheumatology
Research interests: Developing AI-powered imaging tools in inflammatory arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis and pre-RA - early diagnosis and treatment.
Rheumatology Research Group Honorary Staff