IGS Workshop: 'The (Im)Possibility of Liberating One('s)Self'

Wednesday 7 March 2018 (15:00-17:00)

Speakers: Prof. Stefan Neuhaus (University of Koblenz-Landau) and Dr. Alexandra Milner (University of Vienna)

“Freedom is the key term of German-language literature after the Enlightenment”, claims Stefan Neuhaus in his recently published history of German-language literature (Grundriss der Neueren deutschsprachigen Literaturgeschichte, Tübingen: UTB). This IGS workshop will explore Neuhaus’s tenet by analysing how some key texts in modern German literature, explored in Final and Second Year undergraduate courses in German Studies, deal with the concepts of ‘freedom’ or ‘liberation’.

Texts: Theodor Fontane: Mathilde MöhringEffi Briest; Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach: range of short stories t.b.d.; Bertha von Suttner: Die Waffen nieder; Lily Braun: Memoiren einer Sozialistin; Lou Andreas Salome: Fenitschka; Hedwig Dohm: Werde die du bist; Christa Wolf; Malin Schwerdtfeger; Erich Maria Remarque: Im Westen nichts Neues; Ernst Jünger: In Stahlgewittern.