The Politics of Energy by Lord Hutton 

Monday 9 November 2015, 6pm [followed by drinks reception]
Muirhead Tower, Lecture Theatre

johnhuttonThe Birmingham Energy Institute is delighted to welcome Rt Hon. the Lord Hutton of Furness, Chairman of the Nuclear Industry Association.  

Delivering the latest event in our Energy Lecture Series, Lord Hutton will share his thoughts on how Government and industry plan to deliver a stable market for energy infrastructure projects.

The Politics of Energy


In this lecture, Lord Hutton will reflect on his time as a Senior Cabinet Minister, in particular his central role in shaping energy policy when Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. He will outline the decision making process, which gave the green light for the country to embark on a series of new nuclear power facilities, for the first time in a generation.

In his talk Lord Hutton will explore the strategic drivers behind this political decision to promote new nuclear build, the measures taken to ensure political and public support, the implications and benefits for the UK in terms of energy supply, economic growth and employment opportunities from their decisions. 


Lord John Hutton is Chairman of the Nuclear Industry Association, the trade association for the civil nuclear sector in the UK. During his 18-year ministerial tenure, he held a number of positions including as Secretary of State for Work and Pensions from 2005-07, Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform from 2007-08, and Secretary of State for Defence from 2008-09. 

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