7 September 2017 – First MANIFEST researcher workshop

Thursday 7 September 2017 (11:00-16:30)

Omar Saeed,  o.saeed.1@bham.ac.uk

At the kick off meeting, Dr Dan Gladwin (University of Sheffield) agreed to lead a piece of work focussed on developing a set of tests that could initiate discussions on calibrating data collection and aligning assets.

Working with Dr Rebecca Todd and her colleagues at Manchester, the Sheffield team devised a set of tests and worked with Manchester, using these tests to carry out an alignment between their battery systems. Now that these initial test have been carried out, we are looking to extend these further, bringing in other asset owners from the MANIFEST consortium for initial discussions on data, testing and devices.

We are holding a meeting with asset owners on 7th September at the University of Manchester to begin these discussions. The meeting includes a visit to the University of Manchester’s SieStorage and battery testing facilities.

All project partners are welcome to attend. If you would like to do so, please contact Omar Saeed on o.saeed.1@bham.ac.uk before 31st August and specify any requirements you have.

Workshop report

 Initial energy storage asset testing discussed at first MANIFEST researcher workshop in Manchester  (pdf)