Making Race Research Count in Education

Murray Learning Centre - Room UG09
Thursday 27 June 2024 (10:30-15:15)

Steve Raven

Applying Race and Racial Theory to and for Educational Impact

Keynote speaker: Dr Paul Campbell, Director of the Institute for Inclusivity in Higher Education, University of Leicester

The seminar event has been designed to develop an open discussion amongst doctoral candidates, early career researchers and experienced researcher scholars about ways they have wrestled or are wrestling with race and racial theory to develop education impact through their research.

In addition to the key speaker contribution by Dr Paul Campbell, a discussion chaired by SH/SR will platform current doctoral candidates from various universities. Furthermore, an accomplished researcher’s panel drawn from members of CRRE/School of Education will offer insights from their experiences.

The permanence of race and racism is being demonstrated by the relative lack of curriculum and education change at all levels, undermining claims of diversity as a result of constraints on racial inclusion. The educational institutions' decolonising progress has stalled (Bhambra, 2018), the reproduction of white superiority is evident (Bhopal, 2024), and the sociologies are demonstrably still in need of decolonising (Meghji, 2021), the school curriculum is considered whitewashed (Dowling and Flintoff. 2015). While early career researchers and doctoral candidates wrestle with which and what race and racial theory to deploy to translate their work into actual change in educational praxis. To move their work from description into an active and actionable antiracism strategy that will bring about curriculum development and real social justice in education, this seminar will act as an open forum for discussion to join theory to education change. Through the expertise and experience of the University of Birmingham’s CRRE and invited guest speakers, the seminar will provide a platform to discuss ways of impacting systemic racism through curriculum development and educational change.

Registration is essential to attend due to limited places available and also to receive the full timetable for the day.

Please note, only light refreshments will be provided throughout the day, therefore, you are advised to bring or make your own arrangements for lunch.

The event is open to internal and external PGR students, early career researchers and experienced researcher scholars.

Event convened by Dr Saba Hussain, School of Education, University of Birmingham