Education and Palestine: Activism and Anti-Racism

Thursday 6 June 2024 (13:00-14:30)

This event is the third of 3 seminars on theme of Education and Palestine in the School of Education.

In this third and final event in the series on Education and Palestine, Prof Gholami, Dr Winter and Dr Younes will critically examine public and political discourses on and understandings of antisemitism and Islamophobia, in the context of wider global activism around Israel and Palestine.

Professor Reza Gholami is Professor of Sociology of Education at University of Birmingham; Dr Aaron Winter, Senior Lecturer in Sociology (Race and Anti-Racism), Lancaster University; Dr Anna-Esther Younes, Independent Researcher. 

Professor Reza Gholami

Reza Gholami is Professor of Sociology of Education at University of Birmingham, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He is also Senior Editor of the sociology of education section of the journal Cogent Education. He earned his PhD at SOAS, University of London, and conducted post-doctoral research with funding from the AHRC. His research focuses on diversity and inequities in education, particularly related to Islamophobia and racism, issues of free expression and political engagement in schools, and community-led and ‘diasporic’ forms of education. His current projects receive funding from the Leverhulme Trust and the Paul Hamlyn Foundation.

Reza is the author of numerous books and articles in his field, including the forthcoming book Knowledges that Destroy (with Danielle Tran), the monograph Secularism and Identity and the co-edited volume Education and Extremisms: Re-Thinking Liberal Pedagogies in the Contemporary World. He also regularly appears in national and international media, such as featuring in the BBC Radio 4 documentary ‘The Corrections’ about the Birmingham ‘Trojan Horse’ affair.

Dr Aaron Winter

Aaron Winter is Senior Lecturer in Sociology (Race and Anti-Racism) and Director of the Centre for Alternatives to Social and Economic Inequalities (CASEI) at Lancaster University. He is co-editor of Historical Perspectives on Organised Crime and Terrorism (Routledge 2018) and Researching the Far Right: Theory, Method and Practice (Routledge 2020), and co-author, with Aurelien Mondon, of Reactionary Democracy: How Racism and the Populist Far Right Became Mainstream (Verso 2020). He has published in Ethnic and Racial StudiesIdentities: Global Studies in Culture and PowerJournal of Political IdeologiesSociological Research Online and Women and Performance, as well as openDemocracyThe IndependentNovara Media and Jacobin. He has also been interviewed by the BBC, LBC, NBC, Washington PostTimesTelegraphWiredNew Statesman and HuffPost. He is co-editor of the journal Identities and the Manchester University Press (MUP) series Racism, Resistance and Social Change.

Dr Anna-Esther Younes

Anna Younes (she/her) works mainly as an independent researcher on issues around race and racism, Palestine, Germany and Europe and settler colonialism. As a Palestinian German scholar her work has revolved around what she calls the "War on Antisemitism" since 2015/16, a state-organised counter-insurgency that transnationalizes the figures of the Palestinian and Jew for national and security purposes in the name of imperial settler colonial structures. View her work online 

The event is a space to critically explore pressing issues for education in and on Palestine - as such, attendees such be aware of the sensitive nature of the issues discussed. As is routine for University events, this will be a safe and respectful space for all in attendance, regardless of background, to hear from expert speakers and to pose appropriate questions.

This event is open to the public, staff and students. Registration is essential to receive the link to ZOOM. 

Please note, this event will not be recorded.