SIOP CNS GCT II: Prospective trial for the diagnosis and treatment of children, adolescents and young adults with intracranial germ cell tumours

 Chief Investigators:
Dr James Nicholson
 Sponsor: University Hospital of Munster
 Funder: Cancer Research UK
 Disease Site: Germ Cell Cancer
 Trial Type: Clincical Trial of an Investigational Medicinal Product
 Status: Follow up
 UKCRN Study ID: 13226 (CPMS)
 ISRCTN Referance Number: Clinical identifier: NCT01424839
 Open to New Sites? No
 Recruitment Start Date: 23-Oct-2012
 Recruitment End Date: 01-Jul-2018
CRCTU Trial Management Team:  CCTT
Trial Email Address:

Intracranial germ cell tumours (GCTs) are rare tumours of childhood and adolescence that are varied with respect to their primary site, histology, biological profile and response to treatment. This trial is attempting to differentiate tumours by virtue of these factors, and treat accordingly. In malignant GCTs, initial combination platinum based chemotherapy will be administered prior to risk adapted radiotherapy and delayed tumour resection where required. In tumours with mixed histology, the therapeutic approach depends on the component with the highest grade of malignancy. For teratoma, no standardized treatment approach has been investigated in a multinational protocol to date.

Please note that the trials team cannot give individual’s clinical advice. Patients and their families should contact their treating physician to discuss trials for which they may be eligible.

Trail Summary

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Trial Protocol

Please Note:
Clinical trial protocols are complex technical documents which should only be used for the treatment of subjects taking part in the trial. Patients who are interested in taking part in the trial are advised to talk to their health care professional or see 

UK Clinical Trials Gateway for further detail.

Cancer Research for further detail

or CancerHelp.

Investigators please ensure you have R&D approval for this specific version of the protocol before using as a reference. 

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