CleanAir4V is a research network funded under wave two of the SPF Clean Air Program by UKRI. CleanAir4V brings together researchers, stakeholders and industry practitioners and uses a multidisciplinary approach to identify, develop, and evaluate indoor air pollution solutions for two vulnerable groups (VGs’): VGI are children (Aged 0-16) and VGII comprises people with pre-existing conditions (e.g. COPD). These groups are our focus as they are most strongly affected by poor indoor air quality but have limited autonomy to escape their indoor environments. We will be undertaking the following activities linked with our six work packages and two scoping groups, themes and links detailed in the figure below, to identify, evaluate, develop, co-design and inform implementation of clean air strategy and solutions:
- Network events and conferences
- Workshops
- Advertising and supporting funding applications for R&D focused on Air Pollution Solutions
- Public engagement/outreach
- At the culmination of our network in 2023 a pilot study based on our findings
Figure: Diagram of linkages between WP and SG. The two VG focused on by all working packages are VGI and VGII shown in the top two orange circles. Five key indoor spaces have been identified for these VGs which are: nurseries, school, hospitals, homes and public transport hot spots. These are indicated by the yellow circle and the diagram shows we are also, interested in the Indoor/Outdoor exchange and interfaces for air pollutants in these settings. The diagram then reads top to bottom for each work package with arrow indicating links to other work packages where exchange of knowledge and findings will take place ultimately flowing into WP6. The Cross-WP SG encompasses and bring together all of these WP and the Cross-Network SG will link the whole CleanAir4V network to the 5 other UK networks to share knowledge and expertise.
Our six work packages and two scoping groups will produce position/landscape papers informed by these activties as well as through links with the other workpackages and five other UK networks funded through the SPF Clean Air Program. More can be found out about our workpackages on our workpackages page along with a more detailed walk through of the Figure above by our network lead Dr Christian Pfrang.
Aims and Motivations
Network Aim:
Our aim is to build a self-sustaining and interdisciplinary network of academics, stakeholders and industry capable to deliver co-designed research and innovation for developing robust solutions that reduce the impact of air pollution on vulnerable groups. We also aim to cross-link to UK and international expertise to establish research gaps, effective behaviour and technology intervention opportunities and catalyse future cross-disciplinary research capability in the field of air pollution solution research.
Long-term Network Vision:
To develop innovative and cost-effective behaviour and technology interventions to reduce future air pollution exposure and improve health of vulnerable groups and implement these interventions through policy advice, planning, and business innovation.
Interested in joining CleanAir4V?
CleanAir4V is an open network always keen to have new members and contributors.
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