Felix has over 20 years of experience and expertise in policy development, economic analysis, action research, impact assessment, evaluation, business case development and review, and the Green Book. Prior to his current role at the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, (SYMCA) Felix’s career had spanned both the public and private sectors including academia, local government, regional development, and international consultancy.
His role is primarily focused on policy development across SYMCA’s remit and assessing investment opportunities to improve the lives of South Yorkshire residents. These policies span skills, employment, housing, business investment, the environment, culture, health and wellbeing, and transport.
Felix leads the team responsible for the direction and delivery of Share Prosperity Funds in South Yorkshire, focusing on reducing the cost of living, supporting business growth, and delivering higher level skills to grow the economy and improve lives.
Felix also has lead responsibility for all SYMCA programme and project assurance.
Visit Felix's online profile