Springboards safety nets and solidarities

Tuesday 22 October 2024 (13:00-14:00)

The intergenerational dynamics of younger adults' housing careers in the UK

Younger adults are widely understood to be bearing the brunt of Britain’s ‘housing crisis’. In this challenging context, family background and intergenerational support practices are thought to have become increasingly influential factors in younger adults’ housing careers. These trends have major implications for social mobility and intergenerational transmissions of inequality over the life course.

At this seminar, Dr Rory Coulter will present and discuss selected findings from his research into family dyamics and housing in young adulthood. Rory will also explore how life course perspectives provide a valuable conceptual framework for making sense of how families matter for younger adults’ housing experiences.

Rory is a geographer interested in life course dynamics, housing and neighbourhoods as well as longitudinal research methods. In 2023 his book, Housing and Life Course Dynamics was published by Policy Press. Rory is currently an editor at the journal Housing Studies and acts as the Understanding Society study’s Topic Champion for Housing. At UCL his teaching spans population, urban and economic geography as well as quantitative research methods.