2022 posters In '2022 Annual Meeting' 2022 annual meeting2022 posters2022 proceedings The following posters are either directly linked to the theme of the conference 'understanding global forests' or they showcase the wide range of research underway at the University of Birmingham related to forested landscapes, including interdisciplinary research coming through thanks to the Leverhulme funded Forest Edge Doctoral Scholarship.Congratulations to the 2022 poster prize winner Laura Marques. _________________________________________________________Deciduous Woodlands under eCO2 and Nitrogen Deposition: Biogeochemical tradeoffs and the fate of soil carbon Alex Armstrong, University of Birmingham, ama141@student.bham.ac.uk _________________________________________________________‘Can't see the forest for the trees’: The importance of fungi in the context of UK tree planting Aileen Baird, University of Birmingham, aileen.baird@naturalengland.org.uk __________________________________________________________Life on the edge: New tools to track animal-forest trophic interactions across intact to degraded ecosystems Gemma Baker, University of Birmingham, gxb760@student.bham.ac.uk __________________________________________________________Squirrel trapping at Norbury Park Estate Jo Bradwell, Alex Malkin, Andy Smith and Dan Simmons Norbury Park Estate ___________________________________________________________Pastoralism, elephants, and conservation in Mukogodo Forest, Kenya: Investigating the role of conservation in (re)shaping more-than-human Harriet Croome, University of Birmingham, hxc008@student.bham.ac.uk ___________________________________________________________Study and Fabrication of Rapid Engineered Spectroscopic Technology (FoRESTech) for Identification of Filamentous Pathogens in Leaves Kieran Clark, University of Birmingham, KRC026@student.bham.ac.uk ___________________________________________________________Forest Ecology and Fantasy Fiction Dion Dobrzynski, University of Birmingham, DAD047@student.bham.ac.uk __________________________________________________________How forest roads impact the propagation of invasive plant species Bradly Deeley, University of Birmingham, bfd913@bham.ac.uk Soil - atmosphere exchange of greenhouse gases under future climates Nine Douwes Dekker, University of Birmingham, nxd934@student.bham.ac.uk __________________________________________________________Introduction to and analysis of the green chromatic coordinate of BIFoR FACE Thomas Downes, University of Birmingham, T.M.Downes@bham.ac.uk __________________________________________________________High rainfall disturbs soil microbial structure and function in a mature temperate forest under elevated carbon dioxide Katy Faulkner, University of Warwick, katy.faulkner@warwick.ac.uk __________________________________________________________Analysis of phage that infect oak pathogens and the dynamics of phage population changes and bacterial community change in a disease lesion Emily Grace, University of Birmingham, erg116@student.bham.ac.uk ___________________________________________________________Monitoring the Carbon Dioxide levels in the BIFoR FACE baseline areas Nicholas Harper, University of Birmingham, NJH035@student.bham.ac.uk ___________________________________________________________MASTREE+: time-series of plant reproductive effort from six continentsAndrew Hacket-Pain, University of Liverpool, andrew.hacket-pain@liverpool.ac.uk ____________________________________________________________Examining the risk of new disease outbreaks in a diseased population using ash as a model Katherine Hinton, University of Birmingham, kgh742@student.bham.ac.uk ____________________________________________________________Tracking tropical tree disturbance using repeat LiDAR data Toby Jackson, University of Cambridge, tobydjackson@gmail.com NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE ____________________________________________________________Do elevated CO2, ozone (O3) and diesel fumes alter the volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions of plants under insect attack? Laura James, University of Birmingham, lxb973@student.bham.ac.uk _____________________________________________________________Children’s encounters with urban woodlands, digital technologies and materialities Polly Jarman, University of Birmingham, pxj837@student.bham.ac.uk _____________________________________________________________Forest dynamics through the lens of volcanic disturbance: impacts of the 2008-2009 eruption of Chaitén (Chile) on peripheral Valdivian temperate rain forest. Jordan Johnston, University of Birmingham, JAJ083@student.bham.ac.uk _____________________________________________________________Reading the Grain: The Forestry of Modern & Contemporary American Fiction Thomas Kaye, University of Birmingham, TXK006@student.bham.ac.uk _______________________________________________________________Farmers, Trees and Floods: exploring the impact of lived experience and place-based expertise through the challenge of increasing tree cover for Natural Flood Management.Jenny Knight, University of Birmingham, jxk850@student.bham.ac.uk _______________________________________________________________ForestPlots.net: Taking the pulse of Earth’s tropical forests Karina Lisboa Melgaco Ladvocat, University of Leeds, K.LisboaMelgacoLadvocat@leeds.ac.uk Exploring the environmental benefits of street trees: a city-scale study in Birmingham Yanzhi Lu, University of Birmingham, yxl1480@student.bham.ac.uk ________________________________________________________________Tree growth enhancement drives denser stands and biomass gains in mature temperate forestsLaura Marques, ETH Zurich, laura.marques@usys.ethz.ch ________________________________________________________________Examining the impact of soil on tree health and disease progression Vanja Milenkovic, University of Birmingham, vxm172@student.bham.ac.uk _________________________________________________________________Finding a needle in a haystack’ – Monitoring pollen with low-cost sensors and machine learning Sophie Mills, University of Birmingham, sam919@student.bham.ac.uk _________________________________________________________________Tree Growth in an Oak Woodland Exposed to Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Richard J. Norby, University of Tennessee & Birmingham, rnorby@utk.ed _________________________________________________________________Moringa as a climate change mitigation strategy Dorcas Ojo, University of York, doo513@york.ac.uk _________________________________________________________________Urban Heat Island Impact on Human Health Of Dhaka Megacity, Bangladesh Nigar Parvin, University of Birmingham, NSP095@student.bham.ac.uk ________________________________________________________________The influence of elevated CO2 and soil depth on rhizosphere activity and nutrient availability in a mature Eucalyptus woodland Johanna Pihlblad, University of Birmingham, m.pihlblad@bham.ac.uk _________________________________________________________________The plant-water conundrum: root-xylem-stomatal response of Quercus robur (pedunculate oak) to elevated CO2 in a temperate futureforest experiment. Susan Quick, University of Birmingham, SEQ616@student.bham.ac.uk _________________________________________________________________Fertigation management of mixed-species plantation versus monoculture in plantation forestry key aspects and future perspective Andrea Rabbai, University of Birmingham, AXR1049@student.bham.ac.uk _________________________________________________________________A metabolomic study of the impact of elevated CO2 on mature oak trees Mark Raw, University of Birmingham, mxr816@student.bham.ac.uk __________________________________________________________________Nation-scale afforestation: climate silver bullet or ecological upgrade for the UK? Joshua Rees-Garbutt, University of Bristol, joshua.rees@bristol.ac.uk __________________________________________________________________Halo-pollarding of complex tree species mixtures for enhanced growth rates Luke Roberts, Norbury Park, Luke.Roberts@norburypark.co.uk __________________________________________________________________Nitrogen cycling in forest soils under elevated CO2: response of a key soil nutrient to climate changePhD Environmental Sciences Manon Rumeau, University of Birmingham, MLR094@student.bham.ac.uk __________________________________________________________________Priming of defence in oaks: An untargeted metabolomic response. Rosa Sanchez-Lucas, University of Birmingham, r.sanchez-lucas@bham.ac.uk ___________________________________________________________________Influence of constructed wetlands on global warming Bruno Santos, University of Birmingham, BBS056@student.bham.ac.uk __________________________________________________________________Can Convolutional Neural Networks be used to detect canopy mortality from aerial images? A case study for Luxembourg Selina Schwarz, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology elina.schwarz@kit.edu _________________________________________________________________Forest fires and Property Prices: Evidence from Western Australia Maria Teresa Gonzalez Valencia, University of Birmingham, mtg724@bham.ac.uk _________________________________________________________________Identifying forest structural types along an aridity gradient in pen-insular Spain: integrating low-density LiDAR, forest inventory, and aridity index. Julian Tijerin-Triviño, University of Alcalá, julian.tijerin@uah.es _________________________________________________________________From branch to forest to globe: how do tree choices regarding growth change forest response to eCO2? Klaske van Wijngaarden, University of Birmingham/Western Sydney University, KXV056@student.bham.ac.uk __________________________________________________________________A study of tree disease on St Helena Amy Webster, University of Birmingham, ajw118@student.bham.ac.uk __________________________________________________________________Quarantine containment level pathogen, Xylella fastidiosa: Threat on trees native to the UK Jiaqi Wei, University of Birmingham, jxw1133@student.bham.ac.uk ________________________________________________________________Identifying candidate resistance genes against acute oak decline and oak powdery mildew using transcriptome sequencing. Identifying candidate resistance genes against acute oak decline and oak powdery mildew using transcriptome sequencing Thomas Welch, University of Birmingham, t.e.welch@bham.ac.uk