



Trial Documentation

These documents are for use by collaborators involved in the RePROM trial. They are the property of the University of Birmingham and do not constitute any form of advice to participants.

Please use the links below to download RePROM documentation. 

RePROM Help Videos and Documents

RePROM - Logging into MyHealth Video v1.0

RePROM - Logging into MyHealth Video v1.0

RePROM - Completing and Submitting RePROM Symptom Report Video v1.0

RePROM - Completing and submitting RePROM symptom report video v1.0

RePROM - Viewing Your Symptom Management Advice Video v1.0

RePROM - Viewing Your Symptom Management Advice Video v1.0

RePROM Patient Advice Wording v1.0

RePROM - Data Transparency Statement - v1.0 - 12 June 2018