Recruitment and participating sites

SPHERE aims to recruit 966 patients (568 for the randomised controlled trial and 398 for the observational cohort study) from seven NHS HIV out-patient clinics in England. 

The SPHERE study is not yet open to recruitment. When recruitment commences, figures will be available here.

NHS Trusts currently in set-up

  • Barts Health NHS Trust
  • Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • Manchester Univesity NHS Foundation Trust
  • North Bristol NHS Trust
  • Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Univesity Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust

Associate PI Scheme

SPHERE is participating in the Associate PI Scheme and applications to become an Associate PI trainee can be submitted from 15 August 2024. Information about the scheme, including how to apply, can be found on the NIHR Associate PI Scheme webpage