Other Training

On this page we provide information on online learning available to researchers at the University and provide details on Special Interest Groups.

BEAR Canvas courses

We also have recordings of previous courses and online courses available in Canvas:

LinkedIn Learning

The University has invested in Linked In Learning - instructions on how to get access. There are many useful courses available – we have picked out a few for those looking for similar content to the Carpentries workshops we provide:

MATLAB Training

The University has purchased the MATLAB Academy Training Suite. This gives FREE access to online courses including MATLAB Fundamentals and MATLAB for Data Processing and Visualisation. Instructions on how to access this can be found in KB13246.

ARCHER2 Training

ARCHER2, the national HPC service, offers free face-to-face and online training courses aimed at researchers looking to use HPC facilities. The training material is available for many of the courses they have run, including Fortran, LAMPPS, GROMACS and Message Passing programming with MPI.

Special Interest Groups

The Special Interest Groups are run by users on behalf of users. The interests of users in various groups are represented by the user representatives, typically but not necessarily one from each school. Their main role is to raise areas of concern with the User Group which could then be brought forward to the BEAR Management Committee.