Introduction to BlueBEAR

Getting started with High Performance Computing can be a daunting task for some. Or perhaps you are already familiar with the concepts but need some help getting started with using BlueBEAR at Birmingham. We run a workshop, called Introduction to BlueBEAR, which is designed to get you up and running. The workshop is aimed at both research staff and research students to help you get the most out of BlueBEAR.

Next Workshop

Future workshops will be listed on our training page.

Course Content

We cover the BlueBEAR (Linux HPC) service as well as giving an overview of other BEAR services. We'll have some hands-on sessions where you can practice submitting and interacting with jobs. The course outline is:

  • Scheduling and batch processing concepts
  • Introduction to BlueBEAR
  • BlueBEAR job submission, with specific application examples
  • Accessing HPC files and interacting with data


Either attendance at Introduction to Linux or previous experience in using Linux. You will also need to register for the BlueBEAR service prior to the course. Full details will be provided when we confirm your registration on the course.

Who is it for

  • Both research staff and research students
  • No experience necessary - those with an interest in getting started with High Performance Computing
  • Users who have some experience of High Performance Computing

Online Course

We also have an online version of the course covering the same content as our face-to-face/virtual workshops but accessible anytime. The course covers the basics of how supercomputers work before taking you through specific details on how to run jobs on BlueBEAR, with some tips for more advanced users. You can self-enrol here: