Quantum Matter and Photonics

Alkaline Team (previously known as the 'Strontium Clock Team')

  • Associated with the University of Birmingham Cold Atoms Group and the UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensors and Timing.
  • Ultra cold strontium for a range of applications, from studying the fundamental interactions between ultra-cold strontium atoms, to developing compact clocks systems in our lab in collaboration with industry partners.
  • Knowledge transfer to help our industry partners to bring quantum technologies out of the lab and into the real-world applications.

Atomic Quantum Systems

  • Experiments on ultracold quantum gases, cavity quantum electrodynamics, quantum technology for fundamental physics, and development of atomic quantum devices for brain diagnostics.

Cold Atoms

  • Quantum many body physics: cold atoms in optical lattices.
  • Quantum information: entangled images, quantum memories and quantum simulation.
  • Quantum sensors: optical clocks and precision inertial sensors.

Condensed Matter Physics

  • Studying superconducting, magnetic and electronic properties of materials.

Metamaterials and Nanophotonics

  • Studying light-matter interactions in exterme photonic environments.
  • Engineering materials with exotic optical properties (e.g. negative refractive indices) = metamaterials.

Nanoscale Physics

  • Investigating nanostructured surfaces, clusters, atomic manipulation, nanophotonics, nanotools and nonofabrication.


  • Studying condensed matter, cold atom and statistical systems from microscopic to macroscopic.