Relevant Publications


Branicki, L. and Agyei, D. (2014).  Unpacking the impacts of social media upon crisis communication and city evacuation. In Preston, J. (Ed), City Evacuations: an interdisciplinary approach, Springer, N.Y.

Emery, S.B. and Hannah, D.M. (2014).  Managing and researching floods: sustainability, policy responses and the place of rural communities.  Hydrological Processes (online early view).  DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10258

Laize, C.L.R., Acreman, M., Schneider, C., Dunbar, M., Houghton-Carr, H., Florke, M. and Hannah, D.M. (2014).  Projected flow alteration and ecological risk for pan-European rivers.  River Research and Applications 30: 299-314 DOI:10.1022/rra.264

Royan, A., Hannah, D.M., Reynolds, S.J. Nobel, D.G. and Sadler, J.P. (2014).  River birds' response to hydrological extremes: new vulnerability index and conservation implications.  Biological Conservation 177: 64-73.  DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2014.06.017


Emery, S.B., Perks, M.T. and Bracken, L.J. (2013).  Negotiation river restoration: the role of divergent reframing in environmental decision-making.  Geoforum 47: 167-177

Jones, I. (Ed), Abrahams, C, Brown, L.E...Klaar, M.J...and Woodward, G. (2013).  Ecological issues: The impact of extreme events on freshwater ecology.  British Ecological Society Publication available here

Milner, A.M., Robertson, A.L., McDermott, M.J., Klaar, M.J. and Brown, L.E. (2013).  Major flood disturbance alters river ecosystem evolution.  Nature Climate Change 3: 137-141.


Emery, S.B. and Franks, J.R. (2012).  The potential for collaborative agri-environmental schemes in England: can a well-designed collaborative approach address farmers' concerns with current schemes?  Journal of Rural Studies 28: 218-231.


Sullivan-Taylor, B. and Branicki, L. (2011).  Creating resilient SMEs: Why one size might not fit all.  International Journal of Production Research 49: 5565-5579