About the project

'Summer After the Floods' seeks to address the lack of comparative evidence of how businesses and communities recover from, and plan for future flood events.  The project will focus on how policy responses influence processes of recovery, and how tensions and interdependencies between social, economic and environmental dimensions of flood recovery and preparedness arise and are resolved.

This research will help to address questions such as:

  • Which factors enable or inhibit fast and effective flood recovery from the perspectives of business, social justice and environmental stability?

  • How can communities, businesses, government organisations and policy makers prepare to mitigate and reduce the impacts of future flood events?


 This project compares four very different areas of the UK that were affected by the Winter 2013/14 floods.  Both rural and urban areas were chosen and homeowners and businesses at the sites who experienced different types of flooding.  By selecting varied sites, the research is able to compare diverse experiences and responses to flooding.

Meet the researchers leading the project here