Since 2008 we have enrolled 622 postgraduate research students (PhD, MD, MPhil and MSc by Research). Nearly 150 funded studentships have been made available, driven by our success in obtaining large doctoral training grants (2 BBSRC DTGs in ageing biology, 7 Marie Curie ITNs, a unique Wellcome Trust integrated clinical and non-clinical DTG and studentships associated with the MRC Centres and an MRC Capacity Building scheme for Stem Cell Science).
Outstanding mentorship is a key requirement for success, and supervisors are appointed on the basis of research excellence and the ability to supervise and mentor students. A tailored supervisor-training programme (for both new and established academics) was launched by the College in 2011 to assure quality of supervision.
Each doctoral researcher is guided by a supervisory team made up of at least two individuals, and training is driven through a process encapsulated in Development Needs Analysis (DNA) forms designed to be in line with the Research Council Joint Skills Statement and the new Researcher Development Framework. Student and supervisors complete an Annual Progress Review form that is reviewed and monitored by a Progress Panel with action as necessary. Each DR is additionally assigned a separate mentor completely independent of the supervisory team for impartial guidance and confidential advice.
Nearly 50% of our postgraduate researchers stay in research undertaking a variety of postdoctoral/lecturer positions in the UK (86%) and abroad (12%), with over 40% moving into the health/health care/private sector.
There are a range of opportunities available for aspiring researchers.