e-Pathway: Project End

Maximising Impact  

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Final reports

A final report should be submitted within 12 months of declaring the end of project with the REC.  

A final report form is available from the REC. Once completed, this will be published alongside the project summary on the REC website. For further information, see the HRA's guidance on ending your project.

If the project was submitted through Combined Review, the final report should be submitted in the Combined Review section on IRAS. See the HRA's step by step guide to using IRAS for combined review.

Further information on final reports can be found in the UoB Project Closure SOP (UoB-CLO-SOP-001) (Word - 77 KB).

Publishing your results

It is important to maximise the impact of the research by disseminating research findings as soon as these are available. This activity should be seen as an essential aspect of the research process to ensure that the findings of the research are available to other researchers, participants, healthcare professionals and the wider public. Dissemination can take many formats such as a prestation at a conference and / or publication of an article in a journal etc. 

It is a good practice requirement that all results are made publicly available within 12 months (6 months for paediatric projects) of the end of the project (e.g. last visit of the last participant). Further information can be found on the publishing your research findings page of the HRA website.

The HRA have developed the Make it Public strategy in order for information from health and social care research studies to be made publicly available for the benefit of all.

For clinical trials of investigation medicinal products or devices, a summary of results should be published within one year of declaring the end of project in a results registry. See the UoB Position Paper - Clinical Research Registration (PDF - 218 KB)that provides sone guidance on the different types of registries available for UoB sponsored projects.  

Please contact researchgovernance@contacts.bham.ac.uk for further information if required. 

Impact strategy

What is Impact?

As defined by UKRI, “Impact is the demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to society and the economy. Impact embraces all the extremely diverse ways in which research-related knowledge and skills benefit individual, organisations and nations by:

  • fostering global economic performance, and specifically the economic competitiveness of the United Kingdom;
  • increasing the effectiveness of public services and policy;
  • enhancing quality of life, health and creative output.”

 Why should you strive to achieve impact and how?

The University’s Impact Strategy (UoB intranet login required) outlines why we should strive to achieve impact and how to achieve through our internal and external stakeholders. Here you will find all the different teams that the University has in place which aim to encourage and facilitate interaction with those who would use, or benefit from, our research. 

Design by impact

The 7Cs of Impact – Context, Communities, Constituencies, Challenge, Channels, Communication and Capture, offers a simple, easy to remember framework for designing impactful research.


Accessible version in the last accordion titled 'e-Pathway index'.  

Quick links

UoB Clinical Research QMS  Glossary of Terms  FAQs

Your Feedback

Developing these pages will be ongoing and, if you share your views and ideas, it will help us to continue to improve this important resource. Therefore, your feedback will help us to improve these page and ensure that it covers everything that you need it to cover. Please complete this feedback form to submit any comments or suggestions. 

e-Pathway index

The clinical research e-Pathway provides a roadmap to the various stages and sub-stages that a researcher may follow during the lifetime of their research project. Click on a link to take yourself to the stage that is of interest, or you can use the roadmap image on each page to navigate through the process.  

From Idea to Proposal

Applying for Funding

Project Setup

Green Light - Ready to Go?

Project Management

Project End

  • Maximising Impact (current page)

Need help with your project? See the 'who can help?' section. 

For an overview of the e-Pathway, return to the homepage.