Clinical academic opportunities post-higher degree include Clinical lectureship positions, National Clinician Scientist Award and Intermediate and Senior Clinical Research Fellowships.
Some posts such as clinical Lectureship positions are aimed at clinicians that are still within their speciality training, however others are for more senior clinicians at consultant level.
Broadly Clinical Lectureships allow the post holder to pursue their clinical and academic careers in conjunction with one another, whereas Post-Doctoral Fellowships allow the post holder to devote a greater percentage of their time to research.
Clinical lectureships
Clinical lectureship (CL) positions provide the opportunity for post-higher degree research whilst completing specialty training, 50% time clinical training and 50% academic activities. UoB currently receives at least four NIHR funded Clinical Lectureships annually. In addition UoB also has approximately 25 Clinical Lectureship posts at any one time in a number of different disciplines funded from several sources.
To find out more about Clinical Lectureship posts please contact the relevant member of staff for each specialty using the directory below.
Family Leave Support for Clinical Lecturers
This scheme has been developed within the context of the University of Birmingham and College of Medical and Dental Science’s membership of the Athena SWAN Charter. We are committed to supporting career development to Clinical Lecturers, who take extended periods of family leave when starting, or adding to, their family. It is the College’s intention that all staff should receive reasonable support during their leave and return to work period, and that pregnancy and/or becoming a parent in particular, are not barriers to career progression in perception or practice.
Applications are invited from Clinical Lecturers (both NIHR and locally funded) in the College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham.
There is no deadline for applications but it is advised that applications are submitted as early as possible to enable timely recruitment of a suitable technician. It is possible for the technician to start before the family leave commences and/or continue after the Clinical Lecturer returns to work, funding permitting.
Applications should be made using the College of MDS Family Leave Support Grant application form at https://fd7.formdesk.com/universityofbirmingham/familyleavesupport. You must provide a supporting statement detailing how the support requested will enable your research project to continue in your absence.
For more information please see the Guidance Document [pdf 279kb]
Related links
Post-doctoral fellowships
Fellowships offer the opportunity for trainees to secure their own funding to support their research. Both NIHR and the Wellcome Trust offer 3 levels of post-doctoral fellowships and the MRC offers Clinician Scientist Awards and Senior clinical fellowships. Many other charitable organizations also offer clinical fellowships.
Trainees keen to apply for fellowships will have the support of both their academic supervisor and the College's Research Support Team.
PhD required to progress further