
MidEx aims to share its activities to the wider business community. Seminars, conferences and meetings are a key part of this but not everybody can attend these events so the resources below are provided to share learning on organisational improvement.

Building a knowledge network

MidEx aims to help organisations that ask us for our well-grounded guidance, advice and recommendations for organisational and operational improvements. For the benefit of organisations in the Midlands and beyond, new research is translated into practical application that can significantly improve quality, productivity and efficiency.

Organisational improvement and performance quality is a diverse topic. MidEx is designed to bring together current thinking across disciplines and organisations. We do this by showcasing research that can be directly applied to organisations and promoting best practice cases.

Open all sections

Knowledge bites

Short introductions to current thinking across the University of Birmingham on organisational improvement.

Open lectures

Guest lectures from distinguished speakers in academic, policy and practice.

Events and briefings

6 November 2014 - New Wave Social Science at the University of Birmingham - MidEx Doctoral Researchers, Emma Gardner and Amir Qamar, showcase their PhD research as part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science.

5 November 2014 - Reshoring Manufacturing: Energy, Skills & Competitivenesspart of the ESRC Festival of Social Science. 

22 September 2014Manufacturing and the Skills Crisis in the West Midlands and Chicago: Defining the problem and Exploring Solutions, University of Birmingham.

8 September 2014 - Manufacturing Renaissance – led by Prof John Bryson, part of the British Science Festival at the University of Birmingham.

14 March 2014 - MidEx paper presented at the Collaborative Governance & Economic Development seminar at Bournemouth University.

13 January 2014 - Manufacturing comes home as energy cost trumps wages gap, The Conversation.

9 January 2014 - A British Manufacturing Renaissance? The Reshoring of British Manufacturing, The Birmingham Brief


MidEx activities generate a series of outputs for both practitioner and academic audiences. These can be found through the links below.

Briefing Papers and Reports


Communication in Initiating Business

Managing Complexity in Projects Report

Managing Complexity Placemat

Relationship Marketing and CRM Practices for Micro Businesses

Releasing your Inner Growth

Social Media - Be Part of the Conversation

Previous events and briefings:

22nd September 2014 - Manufacturing and the Skills Crisis in the West Midlands and Chicago: Defining the Problem and Exploring Solutions, University of Birmingham

8th September 2014 - Manufacturing Renaissance – led by Prof John Bryson, part of the British Science Festival at the University of Birmingham

13th January 2014 – Manufacturing comes home as energy cost trumps wages gap, The Conversation

9th January 2014 - A British Manufacturing Renaissance? The Reshoring of British Manufacturing, The Birmingham Brief  

Conference Presentations and Publications

14 November 2014

Bryson, J.R., Mulhall, R., Lowe, N. & Stern, J. (2014) Manufacturing and the Skills Crisis in the West Midlands and Chicago: A comparative analysis of employer-engaged education at the Edge Research Conference.

27 August 2014

Mulhall, R. (2014) Contracts, Firms and Competitiveness: A missing link for economic geography? RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, London.

Mulhall, R. (2014) Energy Resources and Carbon Politics: Challenges for the manufacturing sector, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, London.

John R. Bryson, Rachel Mulhall, Jacob Salder, Stephen Williams and Catherine Harris (2014) The Functioning Economic Geography of the West Midlands Regional Economy: Structure, Process, Policy and Path Dependency, Regional Studies Association Winter Conference, London

22nd November 2013 

Bryson, J.R., Mulhall, R., Salder, J., Williams, S. & Harris, C. (2014) The Functioning Economic Geography of the West Midlands Regional Economy: Structure, Process, Policy and Path Dependency, Regional Studies Association Winter Conference, London. 


Mulhall, R.A. & Bryson, J.R. (2014) Energy price risk and the sustainability of demand side supply chains, Applied Energy, 123, 327-334.