Acute Medicine for Advanced Clinical Practice

Course Type
Postgraduate, Module

Acute Medicine for Advanced Clinical Practice

Acute Medicine for Advanced Clinical Practice will appeal to advanced clinical practitioners working in acute medicine environments to support development of knowledge and skills to map towards key elements of the Advanced Clinical Practice in Acute Medicine Clinical Framework (Health Education England 2022).  

The module will develop your knowledge of common acute medicine presentations and develop the diagnostic and clinical reasoning skills to facilitate the delivery of a comprehensive management plan to optimise patient safety and outcome. 

The learning and teaching approaches will be underpinned by detailed consideration of the relevant evidence base research and theory. There will be opportunities for collaborative learning and engagement with clinicians.  

This module is available as an optional module as part of the following programmes: 
MSc Advanced Clinical Practice 
MSc Advanced Clinical Practice (Degree Apprenticeship) 

The module is not currently offered as a stand-alone option. 

Learning Outcomes

  • Undertakes an advanced clinical assessment in the context of complexity and uncertainty and applies critical thinking to inform diagnosis, decision-making and ongoing management. 
  • Critically evaluates acute medical intervention for patients, recognising the acutely deteriorating patient. 
  • Critically appraises the pathophysiological underpinning common acute medicine presentations. 
  • Critically reflects on their involvement in situations where legal or ethical issues are challenging or complex and uses that reflection to further develop their own practice. 


20 credits

Module prequalification: 

  • Advanced Physical Health Assessment 0235083 
  • Advanced Clinical Decision Making 0235078 

Or equivalent advanced clinical practice modules previously achieved as part of a MSc Advanced Clinical Practice qualification or equivalent, as approved by Module Lead. 

Module prerequisites

  • Students must have evidence of employment within an acute medicine or secondary care emergency department environment, due to the work-based learning element of the module. Please discuss with module lead re suitability criteria.  
  • Students must be employed as a Trainee ACP or an ACP. 

Methods of teaching

The module will combine lectures, workshops, seminars, and e-learning based on clinical practice that is designed in a way to enhance application of learning to the clinical environment. 


Practice Document – 50% weighting (up to 2,000 words)

Objective Structured Long Examination – OSLER – 50% weighting (2x15 minute stations)

Academics involved in the delivery of the module

Module lead: David Nice
Module deputy lead: Lois Houlders