KG@B 2015
International Conference on Groundwater in Karst
20-26 June 2015, Birmingham, UK
A three-day oral and poster presentation program with an optional mid-conference visit to local underground limestone mines.
Pre- and post-conference field trips will visit three contrasting karst groundwater systems: the Cretaceous chalk, Jurassic limestones and Carboniferous limestones.
A pre-conference workshop is designed specifically for practitioners and there will be optional workshops for researchers as an alternative to the mid-conference field trip.
View latest version of conference programme (PDF 63KB)
Joining instructions
The conference will be the annual meeting of the International Association of Hydrogeologists Karst Commission and of the International Speleological Union Commission on Karst Hydrogeology and Speleogenesis. It is also sponsored by the Karst Commission of the International Geographical Union, the British Cave Research Association, the British Geological Survey, the Hydrogeology Group of the Geological Society of London and the International Association of Hydrogeologists GB Chapter.