HSMC Knowledge and Evidence Service (KES)

We are a specialist information service at Park House, covering subject areas such as health management, leadership, social care and health policy.


Contact us


Park House
40 Edgbaston Park Road
B15 2RT

 +44 (0) 121 414 7054 

Opening times

Monday to Friday 09.00-16.00* 

Closed weekends

*Pre-arranged online literature searching training sessions are available until 7pm on Mondays and Tuesdays.


Quick links

Search our library catalogue

Request a journal article

Request a literature search

KES Services

  • Literature searching
    To our academic staff as well as to our contract users we provide support at all stages of a literature search. We also carry out literature searches to a specific brief.
  • Current awareness services
    We compile a number of current awareness bulletins on topics such as: public health, leadership, commissioning, patient and public involvement. In addition to these specialist bulletins we provide a daily health-related news digest, and we send out the results of two comprehensive subject-focused searches per week.
  • Training
    We provide tailored training sessions to contract users, current staff and students on topics such as: strategies for literature searches; databases; referencing; referencing software.
  • Book lending and article supply
    From our comprehensive collection we can supply books and other material. Books can be borrowed either in person or via our postal loans service. We can also provide access to articles published in a wide range of specialist academic journals.

If you would like to find out more about the services on offer, please contact KES manager Rachel Posaner.

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