The Envision Team

Professor Luisa Orsini, Director

Luisa Orsini is a Professor of Evolutionary Systems Biology and Environmental Omics at the University of Birmingham (UoB). Her mission is to improve environmental health by pushing the boundaries of research and innovation. She applies high throughput sequencing technologies and AI to understand the impact of environmental change on freshwater ecosystems. Luisa works with ghost DNA and resurrected crustaceans to identify the causes of biodiversity loss and the mechanisms of evolution that allow species to persist.

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Mr Stephen Kissane, Facility Manager

Stephen Kissane is an expert technician in high throughput sequencing technologies and liquid handling robotics. He was awarded a BSc in Biosciences from University of Birmingham in 1999. Since then he has accumulated over 20 years of experience in molecular biology, including in the specialised areas of microarrays technology, sequencing, quantitative PCR, and automated sample processing.



Bioinformatics team

We collaborate with expert bioinformaticians and biostatisticians at the University of Birmingham to provide data support on our projects. Contact us for more information about this.