DISN Celebrating autistic talent

Monday 30 November 2020 (12:30-14:00)

The Department of Disability, Inclusion and Special Needs (DISN) at the School of Education presents this special event to celebrate autistic talent. 

This session will start by showing a short film that was created based on a story competition. A company called ‘Heartbreak Productions’ were funded by the Arts Council to run a national story competition based on the theme of ‘Escape from lockdown’. Eight stories were chosen and all of these were woven together in a film to create one complete story. One of the winners was Urban Townes from Leicester. Urban is autistic and we will show his short film called ‘Germinator’. This will then act as a starting point for a panel discussion with our panel of autistic speakers who will answer questions and discuss the strengths and talents of autistic people.

The panel members are Robyn Stewart, Barbara Sandland, Sara King, Wenn Lawson and Dean Beadle. We will also have input from students at Al Karamah school, a specialist school for autistic pupils in United Arab Emirates.

Professor Karen Guldberg will chair the discussion.