Finance team
The Finance team provides a range of services and advice to all areas of the University to ensure that its finances – present and future – support the University’s delivery of the Birmingham 2030 Strategic Framework.

Erica Conway
Chief Financial Officer
“We provide advice and support to optimise the University's financial and commercial interests, enabling the delivery of the University’s activities and its strategic aims.”
The Office does this through the following divisions:
- Financial Services: Provides a wide range of financial services, including: Budgeting, forecasting, five-year planning; monthly management accounts; capital projects and subsidiaries; external year end audit; tax; business partnering; connecting Finance with the Research Strategy and Services division (RSSD).
- Procurement: Providing procurement support and advice to all areas of the University, to make sure we get best value for money and carbon management from our suppliers – for everything from small, day-to-day orders to huge contracts.
- Transaction Services: Making payments, for example expenses and supplier payments; taking payments, for example student fees, commercial payments; managing online payment platforms.
- Finance Analysts: Providing data analysis, training and sustainable, future-proofed reporting.
- Core Systems Optimisation Team (CSOT): Maintaining, updating and continuously improving the core systems which underpin the activities of the University.
- Insurance: Looking after the University’s insurance requirements.
- UoB Enterprise: Helping Birmingham researchers turn their ideas into new services, products and enterprises that meet real-world needs. Includes Academic Consultancy, incubation, commercialisation programmes and more. Find out more.
- Internal Audit: An independent function that provides an objective assurance and consultancy service.
University colleagues can find out more about our teams at Finance people (opens in SharePoint).