Alumni FAQs

We get a lot of requests for information from alumni, and while we love hearing from you, we thought we’d put together a list of the most frequently asked questions and answers. You might find your question has already been answered.

If you don't find the answer to your question here, please contact us by email  

How do I get a copy of my academic transcript?

I need a reference from the University

If you are an MBChB alumnus, please email the Year 5 Administration teamin the MBChB office.

Alumni from all other College programmes should contact

Please note there is a 5 day turnaround for the production of references.

Can I visit the University now that I’m no longer a student?

Public buildings on campus are open and you don’t need to make prior arrangements to visit them. If you wish to visit a particular school or department, this should be done through the school/department in question.

For visits to the Medical School, you should contact the College Alumni Relations team on or +44 (0)121 414 3488.

Can I still be a member of the University library after I graduate?

Alumni are eligible for free reference membership of the library for the first 12 months after graduation, with concessionary rates applicable thereafter. You will need to register with the library directly.

When the 12 months free membership is complete, reference membership can be renewed at the concessionary rate of £25, or members can borrow up to six books for an annual rate of £37.50. Please contact Library Services for further details.

I’m looking for accommodation at or close to the University

Please visit the University of Birmingham Conference and Events website. They have conference and hospitality venues available on a day or residential basis.

How do I send messages to alumni?

Recruiters and others looking to spread messages out to our alumni are welcome to post these messages to the University's FacebookLinkedIn University of Birmingham Alumni and Friends and Twitter.

To advertise job vacancies to new graduates, they can also contact the Careers Network

I’ve forgotten my logon details for Netcommunity

If you have forgotten your password, you should click on the forgotten password link on the NetCommunity logon page - this will generate an email containing a link to reset your password.

If you have tried this and are still unable to access your account, please contact the University’s alumni office on

I would like to make a donation to the University of Birmingham

You can do this many different ways:

Online - – please note this is only available for single gifts. For direct debits, please contact the University’s alumni office on or +44 (0)121 414 8894

Over the phone - +44 (0)121 414 8894

By cheque – please send a cheque made payable to University of Birmingham, Development, Alumni and Business Engagement, Birmingham Research Park, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2SQ. Please include a note to tell us how you wish for the donation to be used.

How can I get involved with volunteering at the University/College?

We often send out emails to our College alumni and post updates on our volunteering website about upcoming opportunities. Outside of these times we are always keen to hear from alumni who are interested to get involved, please email us and let us know –

The University Alumni team also advertise University-wide volunteering opportunities.

I’m trying to get in touch with another alumnus, can you help me?

Due to data protection policies, we cannot give an alumnus’s details to anyone without their permission.

If you are looking to get in touch with a specific person, please contact the University’s alumni office on If we have their contact details on record we will be able to pass your details on to them by phone/email/letter, it is then up to that alumnus if they respond. For example, if John wishes to contact Susan, we can forward a message containing John’s contact details. We are unable to forward a message without John’s details or without John’s permission to do so. It is then up to Susan if she would like to respond directly to John.