Turning sustainability knowledge into climate action: the path to COP30

The Exchange 3 Centenary Square Birmingham B1 2DR
Monday 24 June 2024 (10:30-13:15)

Amil Khan a.khan.30@bham.ac.uk

COP28 image

As we look forward to COP29 in Azerbaijan this November, please join University of Birmingham colleagues, and representatives from other organisations to reflect on what progress was made in COP28 in Dubai and discuss what issues need to be addressed at COP29 (and beyond at COP30).

Delegates will; 

  • Reflect on COP28: Exploring the impact of the University's convening power on climate change policies, both in the UK and international arena.
  • Discuss critical issues to be addressed at COP29 in Azerbaijan (November 2024).
  • Address the challenges and opportunities for global climate action at COP30.
  • Discover how Universities can enable sustainability and climate adaptation efforts to intersect.

Hosted by Professor David Hannah, this event will be convened under the auspices of the Birmingham Institute for Sustainability & Climate Action

Guests are invited to network with key stakeholders, including regional policymaker and governmental organisations, and discover more about the University of Birmingham’s world-leading research into addressing climate change and adaption.   

We look forward to seeing you there.