Inaugural Lecture of Professor Julia Myatt

Murray Learning Centre - Room UG09
Wednesday 9 October 2024 (16:00-18:00)


Join Professor Julia P Myatt for her Inaugural Lecture, hosted at the Murray Learning Centre, Room UG09 (R28 on the Campus Map) on Wednesday 9 October 2024. This is an in-person event, which you can register for here.

Inaugural - Professor JM







From Wild Dogs to Wild Ideas: The Power of Collaboration

Julia will explore her research background studying animal behaviour, including locomotion in orangutans and the cooperative behaviour of African wild dogs, through to her experience collaborating across disciplines to innovate in the education space. With tales from her time in the field, through to her experience working outside of her comfort zone in teaching spaces, we will see whether team work really does make the dream work! 

Julia joined the University of Birmingham as a PhD researcher in 2006, focusing on the anatomy and locomotion of non-human apes, particularly orangutans, under the supervision of Professor Susannah Thorpe. After a brief period as a postdoctoral researcher at the Royal Veterinary College (University of London), where she studied the locomotion and hunting behaviour of large African carnivores (including African wild dogs), Julia returned to Birmingham in 2012 as a lecturer in the School of Biosciences.

Throughout her time at Birmingham, Julia has combined her multidisciplinary research in animal behaviour with her passion for innovative, interdisciplinary education. She has held key leadership roles, including Acting Dean of Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences (2018-2019), Director of Natural Sciences, and Head of Education (Biosciences). Her focus has been on cross-disciplinary collaboration to design innovative degree programs and modules that anticipate future challenges.

Beyond Birmingham, Julia has served as Education Secretary for the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour since 2020, promoting the importance of animal behaviour in building a sustainable planet to the public and school-aged students. She has also collaborated nationally and internationally on projects that enhance creativity, share knowledge, and develop dynamic opportunities for students.

Most recently, Julia became the inaugural Academic Director of Sustainability Education at the University. In this role, she coordinates and promotes the integration of subject-specific and interdisciplinary sustainability education and climate awareness into the University’s teaching and learning strategy. This offers an exciting opportunity to shape the future of sustainability education and leave a lasting impact to support the next generation of climate-focused citizens.  

Everyone is welcome to this event, and all are invited to join Julia after the lecture for refreshments in the Lapworth Museum.