Student Profile - Esme Slater

BSc Physics

 "The breadth and depth of knowledge, and the numerous skills such as problem-solving, math and computing that you gain make it worthwhile."   esme selfie

Why did you originally apply to do your chosen course at Birmingham?

I chose UoB due to its high academic reputation for Physics, the friendly feel of the Physics department on the Open Day I came to, and the picturesque campus.

What do you think are the best points of your course?

One of the best points is the more personal feel due to computing and skills classes, tutor sessions with 4 people and lots of Physics social events. Additionally, the range of optional modules such as Medical Physics and Particle Physics related options, as well as being taught by people undertaking cutting-edge research.

What's the best thing about studying at the University of Birmingham? 

The best thing about studying at Birmingham is the access to numerous study spaces around campus as well as the large library. 

What's your highlight of your time at the University?

I don’t know how I can pick just one! Probably all the time that I’ve spent with the friends I’ve made here, doing things like going to the Christmas markets, the Physics ball, kayaking trips and fun nights out to the city centre.

What advice would you give to students thinking about studying here on the course?

Doing work little and often, such as a few hours every day, is better than leaving it all towards the end. It saves so much stress and helps you keep up to date with content as you go on, so you have more time to revise rather than catching up in exam season.

Is there anything extra students thinking about studying on the course should know?

It is a challenging course so be prepared to have to work quite hard and put in more hours compared to other degrees. However, the breadth and depth of knowledge, and the numerous skills such as problem-solving, maths and computing that you gain make it worthwhile.