What can you do with a Computer Science degree?

There is so much potential in the real world for Birmingham’s computing graduates. Birmingham is one of the top universities often targeted by prestigious companies when looking for new employees. So whilst graduation may seem a long time away, it is worth considering the competitive advantage you will gain with a Birmingham degree.

It will give you a disciplined approach to analysing problems, with the ability to design creative solutions and critically evaluate the results. Employers are impressed by the combination of technical and transferable skills offered by computing graduates, and as such, you might find yourself in a variety of environments in academia, industry, research and commercial organisations, in such areas as:

  • Artificial Intelligence – developing computers that simulate human learning and reasoning ability.
  • Computer Design and Engineering – designing new computer circuits, microchips, and other electronic components.
  • Computer Architecture – designing new computer instruction sets, and combining electronic or optical components to provide powerful but cost-effective computing.
  • Information Technology – developing and managing information systems that support a business or organization.
  • Software Engineering – developing methods for the production of software systems on time, within budget, and with few or no defects.
  • Computer Theory – investigating the fundamental theories of how computers solve problems, and apply the results to other areas of computer science.
  • Operating Systems and Networks – developing the basic software computers use to supervise themselves or to communicate with other computers. o Software Applications – applying computing and technology to solving problems outside the computer field – in education or medicine, for example.

Case Study

Hung HoangHung Hoang
BSc Computer Science

Why did you decide to study Computer Science?
What interested me about Computer Science was how applicable it is in modern day problems in many industries, from uses like predicting trends in stock with machine learning to developing software for rendering and post-processing 3D graphics in games and movies. There is also an exciting and diverse technology industry to explore.

What do you like about Birmingham?
I decided to study at Birmingham because after a lot of comparison and consideration, I believe that out of all the universities I was looking at, Birmingham’s Computer Science course provides the most applicable, fundamental and widely used foundational knowledge as well as giving the option to specialise in certain areas, and they do it very well. On top of all that, what really sold it for me was the department itself. The lecturers and staff are very welcoming and make me feel at home at Birmingham.

My time in Birmingham so far has been incredibly enjoyable and worthwhile, and I have been able to develop myself as an individual through participating and organising student society activities as well as working as a student ambassador. Birmingham provides a lot of good opportunities for anyone to develop in their own way.

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