Computer Science links with Industry

 At the School of Computer Science we organise events and have support services to help you refine your career options. Support is tailored to your chosen subject area and draws on our excellent range of resources.

We hold specialist careers fairs throughout the year and have strong local and national relationships with major industry players from the public and private sector. We offer a wide network of links that can help you to secure a year in industry, a placement or even a graduate position. 

Computer Science careers fair

Careers and Employability events

Our careers and employability programme includes recruitment fairs, presentations, workshops and orientation sessions.  In addition to the University recruitment fairs, Computer Science organises its own specialist careers events, which are aimed at careers in software, systems, emerging technologies, consultancy, social, cloud and financial computing.

Louisa Golden, BSc Computer Science:
"The Computer Science school hold computing specific careers fairs within their atrium. It was here that I first met JP Morgan Chase and was able to attend their women in technology event in London. I was then fast-tracked onto the spring week and later on to the summer internship. I was then offered and accepted a graduate contract with them before going into my third year". Read more about Louisa's experience at Birmingham.

Computer Science careers fair
Computer Science careers fair
Our students also enjoy access to a wide level of careers and employability services managed by the University.  They have access to our careers database, which features over 2000 graduate job vacancies and internship opportunities targeted towards Birmingham students.  Our students enjoys the support of specialist College Careers Officers, Careers and Industrial Liaison Tutors and Advisors  for advice on finding jobs, placements, CVs, interviews and applications.

Who employs our students?

A Computer Science degree from the University of Birmingham is highly regarded in industry and sets you aside in the crowd. Our graduates are employed by a wide variety companies including:  Accenture, Apple, BUPA, European Space Agency,, Goldman Sachs, Google, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Logica, Honda, Rolls Royce, QinetiQ, Siemens, Google, Deloitte, Sony, Oracle, Citi, UBS, pwc, GCHQ, Credit Suisse, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley,  Bank of England amongst many others. 

Some of our graduates go on to further study and progress into teaching, whilst others create their own start up companies.

Roles our graduates take

These are some examples of roles commonly undertaken by our computer science graduates. They have been selected to give a flavour of the variety of opportunities that exist.

  • Applications Developer
  • Artificial Intelligence Developer
  • Cloud Computing Engineer
  • Database Officer
  • Financial Computing Analyst
  • Games Developer
  • Information Systems Manager
  • IT Consultant
  • IT Trainer/Lecturer/Teacher
  • Mobile Computing and Software App Developer
  • Multimedia Programmer
  • Robotics Engineer
  • Security Software Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Systems/Business Analyst
  • Systems Developer
  • Technical Support Officer
  • Web Designer