Apply to study at the CDT Topological Design

Our programme hosts students from both the UK and overseas, covering both fees and stipend for all students.  We want our CDT to reflect our diverse society and offer all students a safe and welcoming space to learn and explore their research. The University of Birmingham is committed to widening the diversity of our PhD student community, and we particularly welcome applications from under-represented groups, including, but not limited to Black students and those from ethnic minority backgrounds, disabled and neuro-diverse candidates, members of the LGBTQ+ community and female applicants.

You can find details of projects we are currently recruiting to below. If you would like to be added to our mailing list to receive news and updates from the CDT, please email your details to

Our programme

The CDT in Topological Design offers 4-year PhD programme which features:

  • Variable start dates throughout the academic year.
  • A 4-year cutting-edge, interdisciplinary applied research project with world-leading research supervisors, often co-funded by industry-leading partners and world renowned institutions.
  • Training in technical skills in topology and its applications as well as transferable skills training to support your development as a professional researcher.
  • The opportunity to undertake a 3-month internship on-site with the project's industrial co-funder.
  • Funding for full studentship over all 4 years of study.

What are we looking for in our candidates?

  • An undergraduate degree in Physics, Material Science, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or other related disciplines, with at least 2(i) honours or equivalent.
  • An interest in interdisciplinary sciences and engineering, with an enthusiasm for communication.
  • Evidenced mathematical ability.
  • No prior knowledge of topology or topological physics is required.

Studentships are available to UK nationals and a limited number of international students. The CDT can also accept candidates in possession of their own funding (e.g. via a non-EU government scholarship) who are also welcome to apply for a place of study.  If you have independent funding and would like to apply to the CDT, we recommend that you contact us to discuss your application beforehand by emailing us.

What kinds of research do we support?

The CDT funds research from across the STEM spectrum on a range of topics related to topology and topological design.  We run regular project calls, receiving submissions from colleagues working across the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, including theoretical and applied approaches.  A number of our projects are co-funded by industrial partners, research councils and charities.  A selection of our currently available research areas can be found below, where you can find the contact details of potential supervisors.

We also recommend reviewing the projects our current PhD students are working on by visiting our Research Themes page.  You will also find links on this page to all the research groups we are associated with across the University.  If you are interested in a specific research topic or theme, please do not hesitate to contact the CDT to discuss this with us.

Available research projects

This list is far from exhaustive, with new projects becoming available all the time. If you are interested in a particular area of topology or topological design, please contact the CDT to discuss this further with us.

If you are interested in any of these projects, please contact the lead supervisor directly or the CDT at

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Development of High-Data-Rate Quantum Gravity Sensors

PhD supervisory team

Dr Yu-Hung Lien (, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham

Industrial partner

Toyota Motor Europe

Application deadline

16 February 2024 (23:59 hrs)

Start date of the studentship


Duration of the PhD

4 years


The studentship covers both tuition fees and stipend (at UKRI rate). It is open to home and EU applicants with settled status.

Project description

The University of Birmingham, in partnership with Toyota Motor Europe, is offering a PhD position for developing a high-data-rate quantum gravimeter for gravity map-matching navigation and other applications.

Quantum gravity sensors have manifested their exceptional stability and precision for fundamental physics research and also different disciplines, including geoscience and civic engineering. More recently, people started exploring the potential of quantum gravity sensors in more dynamic settings such as marine and airborne environments. One particular application is gravity map-matching navigation.

Satellite navigation (Satnav) soon became very popular after it was open to civilian use in the late 1980s. Other technologies, including inertial and map-matching navigations, still receive substantial attention because of Satnav weaknesses, e.g. the satellite signal reception in difficult terrain, proneness to interference and spoofing. Nevertheless, drifts of inertial sensors severely hamper the accuracy of inertial navigation. The gravity map-matching technology assists inertial navigation systems to curb the drift issue by constantly tracking the gravity variation along the vehicle trajectory and comparing it with a gravity map.

The University of Birmingham, in partnership with Toyota Motor Europe, is offering a PhD position for developing a high-data-rate quantum gravimeter for gravity map-matching navigation and other applications.

The successful candidate will work on the construction of a high-data-rate mobile quantum gravimeter based on an existing lab prototype. He/she will also involve in the design process of instrument miniaturisation. He/she will evaluate the performance and systematic errors of the gravity sensor and conclude the project with field trials.

General eligibility requirements

  • An undergraduate degree in Physics, Material Science, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or other related disciplines, with at least 2(i) honours or equivalent.
  • An interest in interdisciplinary sciences and engineering, with an enthusiasm for communication.
  • Evidenced mathematical ability.
  • No prior knowledge of topology or topological physics is required.

Additional information

The prospective candidates are expected to enjoy hands-on experiences. Background/interest in cold atom physics and quantum optics will be an advantage. Experiences and skills in electronics and Python programming language are desirable but not essential.

How to apply

Informal enquires or for more information regarding the project can be addressed to Dr Yu-Hung Lien (

To be considered for this studentship, please download of CDT application form (Word), complete and submit to us at  Please read the instruction notes included in the form carefully and make sure that you include a copy of your university transcript and your up-to-date CV in your email.

Topological Materials for Electrolytic Hydrogen Production with Milvus Advanced

PhD supervisory team

Prof Pola Goldberg Oppenheimer, (, School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham
Dr Linh Tran, (, Milvus Advanced
Dr Assia Kasdi, (, Milvus Advanced

Industrial partner

This project is co-funded by Milvus Advanced.

Application deadline

31 March 2024 (23:59)

Start date of the project


Duration of the PhD

4 years


Due to some funding and immigration restrictions, the studentship is open to UK students only. Home applicants are eligible for both the cost of tuition fee and a yearly stipend (at UKRI rate) over the course of the PhD programme.

Project summary

Electrolytic hydrogen plays a key-role in decarbonisation and sustainability. However, poor catalytic performance and the use of precious metals as electrocatalysts vastly hinder the industrial implementation. Topological materials having specific surface modification and interesting electronic properties can contribute a new class of superior catalysts for oxygen and hydrogen evolution reactions.[1,2]

This project will explore novel materials possessing high intrinsic activity and durability using virtual high-throughput screening. Material syntheses and characterisations will be carried out not only to verify credibility of the prior computational modelling but also to shed light in mechanistic studies of this type of materials. It will combine topologically intelligent (bi)metallic materials for water splitting with ultrathin topological insulators as shield and allow mass and charge transfer to eliminate metal leaching and increase durability.

Aims and objectives and methodology

(1) Establishing advanced computational modelling and analysis of topological materials for water electrolysis.
(2) Coherent empirical data sets as prior input for statistic calculations and follow-up data to validate the success of the models.
(3) Highly efficient HER/OER electrocatalysts achieved based on computational prediction.

Potential semimetals / Weyl metal/bimetallic compounds will be primarily selected using virtual high-throughput screening. Diverse synthesis methods such as chemical vapour transport, chemical vapour deposition and impregnation will be applied to fabricate materials with different crystalline nanostructures and various nanosizes. Electrochemical evaluation will be conducted to examine catalytic performance of the materials. Material characterizations of pristine samples and post-mortem analysis are the next essential steps to elucidate physical properties and to build the bridge between crystal/electronic structure and electrochemical activities. These experimental data will be used to establish statistical diagnostic models presenting the correlations between topological materials and targeted electrocatalytic properties. Subsequently, once the models are established, novel catalysts will be fabricated, physically analysed and electrochemically tested to satisfy the evaluation circle.

[1]. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 19324.
[2]. ACS Catal. 2020, 10, 4, 2656.

General eligibility requirements

  • An undergraduate degree in Physics, Material Science, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or other related disciplines, with at least 2(i) honours or equivalent.
  • An interest in interdisciplinary sciences and engineering, with an enthusiasm for communication.
  • Evidenced mathematical ability.
  • No prior knowledge of topology or topological physics is required.

How to apply

Informal enquires or for more information regarding the project can be addressed to the project supervisor, Prof Pola Goldberg Oppenheimer at

To be considered for this studentship, please download the CDT application form (Word), complete and submit to us at  Please read the instruction notes included in the form carefully and make sure that you include a copy of your university transcript and your up-to-date CV in your email.

Understanding and improving the topography of additively manufactured implant surfaces with Renishaw PLC

PhD supervisory team

Principal Supervisor: Dr Sophie Cox,, Centre for Custom Medical Devices, School of Chemical Engineering.

Co-Supervisor/s: Dr Luke Carter,, School of Chemical Engineering.

Industrial partner

Renishaw PLC

Application deadline

16 February 2024 (23:59 hrs)

Start date of the studentship


Duration of the PhD

4 years


The studentship is open to both home and EU applicants with settled status and will cover both the cost of tuition fee and a yearly stipend (at UKRI rate) over the course of the PhD programme.

Project description

The aims of this project are to study and quantify the formation of surface roughness on selective laser melting components. From this point we may develop or refine post-processing treatments that specifically compliment these roughness features, and explore the interaction of these newly formed surfaces with cells and bacteria.

The objectives for this project are:

  • To characterise surface adhered powder and by experimentation determine the key adhesion mechanisms
  • To characterise and quantify the underlying surface topology with respect to process parameters and melt-pool behaviour  
  • To develop or refine novel surface improvement techniques by processing or post-processing methods
  • To biologically assess these new surfaces with respect to bacteria and cell behaviour

The design freedoms associated with the layer-by-layer processing of material in additive manufacturing (AM) have led to widespread use of these technologies in medicine. In particular, personalised metallic devices produced via laser-based AM processes have been adopted for replacement of skeletal tissues. Selective laser melting (SLM) is one such technique that employs a laser to selectively melt metal powder particles together. The surface of implants produced via SLM present topographies distinct from conventionally manufactured devices. Typically, they are characterised by a combination of the ‘stair-step’ effect and powder adhesion. The extent to which each of these factors governs the ultimate surface structure depends on processing parameters, local build angle, and feedstock amongst many other parameters. Traditional roughness characterisation techniques rely on a line of sight and therefore struggle to truly capture representative measurements of this complex surface (Figure 1(a)). Densely adhered powder particles may present a ‘false’ upper surface, and the often-tortuous profile of the underlying material is drastically oversimplified by traditional probe or normally viewed optical methods.

This PhD project will seek to explore the duality of SLM implant surfaces and gain new understanding of the mechanisms involved in surface powder adhesion and underlying topology. From this new knowledge the project will then focus on strategies to control surface formation during processing and developing post-processing methods that best remove roughness without sacrificing part accuracy or production time. Alongside these goals the student will be expected to develop novel techniques to characterise the topology of AM implants.

General eligibility requirements

  • An undergraduate degree in an appropriate branch of Engineering (e.g., Materials, Chemical), or the Physical Sciences (e.g., Bioscience, Physics, Chemistry), or other related disciplines with at least 2(i) honours or equivalent. 
  • An interest in interdisciplinary sciences and engineering, with an enthusiasm for communication. 
  • Evidenced mathematical ability appropriate to undergraduate discipline.
  • No prior knowledge of topology or topological physics is required. 
  • Strong supportive references and additional academic achievements (e.g., placements, research work, papers or presentations).

Additional information

The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Topological Design is pleased to offer an exciting PhD opportunity, co-funded by Renishaw PLC. The successful candidate will join the CDT and work with the Centre for Custom Medical Devices and the Healthcare Technologies Institute.

How to apply

Informal enquires or for more information regarding the project can be addressed to Dr Sophie Cox at

To be considered for this studentship, please download of CDT application form (Word), complete and submit to us at  Please read the instruction notes included in the form carefully and make sure that you include a copy of your university transcript and your up-to-date CV in your email.

Understanding the influence of oxide dispersion strengthening on the ductile-brittle transition temperature of EUROFER97 with UKAEA

PhD supervisory team

Principle supervisor: Biao Cai, (, School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham
Industrial supervisor: John R. Echols, UKAEA

Industrial partner:


Application deadline

31st March 2024 (23:59 hrs)

Start date of the studentship


Duration/funding of the project

4 years 

Project description

EUROFER97 (E97) is the leading candidate structural material for EU-DEMO; however, its susceptibility to thermal creep limits its upper operating temperature. Oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) E97 promises to increase the thermal creep resistance relative to traditional E97, but early studies also reveal this ODS variant has a higher ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT), thus making it more susceptible to irradiation embrittlement. This PhD project aims to use in situ tensile testing with both synchrotron X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy facilities, to understand the mechanism(s) driving the increase in DBTT for ODS E97. This work will inform the design of new ODS steels with lower DBTT temperatures.

Objective 1:

Understand the dislocation evolution in ODS E97 at temperatures around the DBTT. We will perform tensile testing of ODS E97 and non-ODS E97 steels in situ at a synchrotron X-ray diffraction facility, to examine dislocation evolution near the DBTT. We hypothesize that analysis of dislocation character (i.e., edge vs screw) and density at temperatures near the DBTT of ODS and non-ODS samples will reveal mechanisms governing the DBTT and how ODS particles affect the DBTT. We will examine ODS feature optimization based on this data.

Objective 2:

Understand the influence of microstructure in ODS E97 near the crack tip at temperatures around the DBTT. We will perform tensile testing of ODS E97 and non-ODS E97 steels in situ under a scanning electron microscope (SEM), to examine microstructure-driven differences in fracture behavior. We will use electron backscatter detection (EBSD) to acquire micro-scale evolution during fracture, which will complement meso-scale synchrotron studies. We will extend ODS feature optimization to consider this micro-scale data.

Both sets of experiments (synchrotron and SEM) will use a common Deben testing rig established at the University of Birmingham. Doctor Biao Cai has developed a testing suite that allows us to carry out tensile tests at both synchrotron X-ray and microscopy facilities under a wide range of temperatures (-150 to 600 °C).

Eligibility requirements

  • An undergraduate degree in an appropriate branch of Engineering (e.g., Materials, Chemical), or the Physical Sciences (e.g., Bioscience, Physics, Chemistry), or other related disciplines with at least 2(i) honours or equivalent.
  • An interest in interdisciplinary sciences and engineering, with an enthusiasm for communication.
  • Evidenced mathematical ability appropriate to undergraduate discipline.
  • No prior knowledge of topology or topological physics is required.
  • Strong supportive references and additional academic achievements (e.g., placements, research work, papers or presentations).

How to apply

Informal enquires or for more information regarding the project can be addressed to Dr. Biao Cai;

To be considered for this studentship, please download of CDT application form (Word), complete and submit to us at  Please read the instruction notes included in the form carefully and make sure that you include a copy of your university transcript and your up-to-date CV in your email

Computational modelling of melting plastic particle flows: fundamental physics, reactor design and topology optimisations

PhD Supervisory Team

Dr Mehdi Jangi, (, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr Kit Windows-Yule, (, School of Chemical Engineering
Cloudia Mejie, Aquapak

Industrial Partner


Application deadline

20 February 2024 (23:59 hrs)

Start date of the studentship


Duration/funding of the project

4 years 

Funding Notes

The studentship is open to UK and EU applicants with settled status applicants and will cover both the cost of tuition fee and a yearly stipend (at UKRI rate) over the course of the PhD programme.

Project description

Melting particle flows (MPFs) are a key phenomenon of any modern polymer manufacturing and plastic recycling technologies, where plastic feedstocks undergo melting or thermal cracking, depending on the heating rates, to precious materials such as renewable polymers, synthesised fuels, etc. The project creates a cross-school collaboration involving a leading polymer industry to create the currently nonexciting computational toolsets for predictive modelling of phase-changing multiphase dense particle flows. The tool will be used for topology design and optimisation of such devices, especially those in the renewable polymer manufacturing and plastic waste recycling.


This project addresses this issue by developing predictive computational toolsets for unsteady and three-dimensional numerical simulations for flow in dense melting particle flows. We use a fully resolved particle-particle and particle-fluid simulations approach (including the phase-chaining particles with substantial deformation and topology change due to melting and agglomeration) to fill the gaps in experimentally unresolved data. Results, along with the experimental data, will be used to develop new sub-models for engineering calculations. The sub-models will be implanted in our in-house LES and URANS solvers for engineering modelling.

Eligibility requirements

  • An undergraduate degree in an appropriate branch of Engineering (e.g., Materials, Chemical), or the Physical Sciences (e.g., Bioscience, Physics, Chemistry), or other related disciplines with at least 2(i) honours or equivalent.
  • An interest in interdisciplinary sciences and engineering, with an enthusiasm for communication.
  • Evidenced mathematical ability appropriate to undergraduate discipline.
  • No prior knowledge of topology or topological physics is required.
  • Strong supportive references and additional academic achievements (e.g., placements, research work, papers or presentations).

An ideal/desirable undergraduate background and interests:

Master’s degree in mechanical engineering or equivalent

Strong written and verbal communications skills

Strong background in CFD modelling

Experience in C++ coding for OpenFOAM

How to apply

Informal enquires or for more information regarding the project can be addressed to Dr Mehdi Jangi; 

To be considered for this studentship, please download of CDT application form (Word), complete and submit to us at  Please read the instruction notes included in the form carefully and make sure that you include a copy of your university transcript and your up-to-date CV in your email

How to apply to the CDT?

Please download of CDT application form (Word), complete and submit to us at  Please read the instruction notes included in the form carefully and make sure that you include a copy of your university transcript and your up to date CV in your email.

If you a have any questions about the CDT, applying to us or our work, please contact us at

Your data matters to us

For details on how to manage your personal data, read our up-to-date data protection policies. The information supplied on this form will only be used by the CDT Topological Design to process your application to study with us.