Dr Annabel Fitzgerald

BSc Sports & Materials Science, 2012; PhD Metallurgy & Materials, 2017
Research Engineer, National Composites Centre

Annabel Fitzgerald page

Annabel specialised in thermoplastic materials and polymers during her two degrees at Birmingham. Now working at the National Composite Centre, she uses the skills she learned from her bioplastics background to composite materials. This isn't knowledge she necessarily had before, but the practical skills she gathered through her degree enabled her to switch speciality.

As a student Annabel was a keen sportsperson and also a founding member of the Women in Science and Engineering Society. One of her favourite memories is winning Head of College Idea of the Year at the EPS Societies' Awards 2015. She is passionate about encouraging more girls to consider pursuing science and providing positive role models.

We Are (Third Width)

Annabel Fitzgerald, Materials Science graduate...twice!

Advice from Annabel

“Make the most of the time that you're studying. Get involved in as much as you can outside of your course. Things like societies and sports clubs, there are so many available and they are such good fun!”



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