Language buddy scheme
Erasmus/Exchange students who take part in the language buddy scheme will be paired up with home students who are studying their language.

The aim of the scheme is on the one hand to help Erasmus/Exchange students to integrate into the community on campus more easily and to improve their English, and on the other hand to help home students acting as a buddy to improve or keep up their foreign language skills and cultural knowledge of the country their are studying.
How it works
Every student will meet with their buddy once or twice a week on campus. There is total flexibility as to when and where you would like to meet. You should either spend one half of the meeting speaking your native language with your buddy and the other half practising your English, or have one meeting in one language and the next one in the other language, so both of you will benefit as you go along.
Please note:
- We aim to match up students prior to their arrival in Birmingham - so they can start emailing their buddy straight away. The scheme will kick off in late September.
- By accepting a language buddy, Erasmus/Exchange students are making a commitment to the other person’s learning experience.