Human Physiology and Exercise
- MSci Physiotherapy
- Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences BSc (Hons)
Year One
An introductory course of lectures in human physiology covering the functions of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the kidney, fluid balance and thermoregulation. Aims: To provide a course of study in human physiology, and introduce students on the principles of physiological regulation as this applies in healthy resting conditions, exercise and disease. This module provides the backbone of knowledge for advanced study in exercise and health physiology and in specific physiological systems in subsequent years.
By the end of the module, students should be able to:
- Have good working knowledge of human physiology
- Understand the physiological function of the cardio-respiratory, renal, and nervous systems plus muscle
- Understand the interactions between physiological systems
- Understand how the properties of each physiological system support the ability to sustain the conditions experienced during exercise
Lectures, seminars, demonstrations and workshops
Coursework - Lab Report and Class Test