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Apply to propose your own research

Guidance for completing your research application with your own research proposal.

You’re not limited to our existing projects. You can propose your own research, too. First, you’ll need to submit a proposal for your research. This includes identifying the supervisor you’d like to work with. To pay for your research, there’s a range of funding available from scholarships, charities, loans and self-finance. Proposing your own research at Birmingham is a six-step process.

1. Choose type of research degree and identify your subject area

The first thing you need to do is to consider which type of research degree you would like to study (PhD, MA/MSc by research or MRes).

You will then need to see to search our course listings to find a subject that is closely aligned to your proposed research area.

Entry requirements

Once you have found your subject area you will need to check the entry requirements to see if you are eligible to undertake research with us. Typically you will need need a good Honours degree and usually a Masters degree. Alternative equivalent qualifications and experience may also be considered but it's best to visit your course page for more detailed information.


2. Begin your supervisor search

Once you've identified a subject area, you will need to find a supervisor for your project. All Doctoral Researchers are provided with a lead supervisor, who will act as the main source of academic supervisory support and research mentoring during your time as a Doctoral Researcher at the University.

3. Consult with potential supervisors

Once you have ensured that the department to which you are applying is able to offer appropriate supervisory support in your research area, you can start to reach out to the staff members who you think will be a great fit as a your research supervisor. 

You will usually have the same lead supervisor throughout your studies, however in some cases Doctoral Researchers may require additional supervision from another member of academic staff. The appointment of a co-supervisor is generally decided between the prospective student and the lead supervisor.

Start by contacting potential supervisors by using the details provided on their staff profile.

4. Explore funding opportunities

There are many ways to finance your research degree; from scholarships and studentships to loans and partial funding from other sources.


5. Write your research proposal

A research proposal is a concise and ‭coherent summary of your proposed research. ‭It is a key part of your application, on which ‭potential supervisors will decide if your ‭research is something they can support.

A research proposal generally consists of an outline of your proposed research project, including your main research questions and the methods you intend to use. You should also comment on the potential impact and importance of your intended research and on how your work would interact with current trends in your academic field.

Students relaxing on the green heart

6. Submit your formal application

Once you've identified a supervisor and completed your research proposal, you are ready to make a fomal application to the University. You can do this by visiting the course page of the subject area most relevant to your research topic (e.g. PhD English Literature). You will need to upload your supporting documents, including your research proposal and potential supervisor name(s).

Supporting documents

In addition to your research proposal, we’ll also ask for specific documents to support your application. These include academic certificates, two references and proof of English Language skills. If you apply for your own research programme, you’ll also need to include a research proposal.

Application portal top tips

  • You don’t need to complete your application in one session. Simply save it and come back to it when you’re ready.
  • Avoid delays by checking all your information is accurate and complete.
  • Your application won’t be processed until you’ve completed all the relevant sections and submitted it.
  • If you run into any technical issues with your application, email us at

What to expect next

Once you’ve submitted your application, we’ll send you details on how to access your applicant portal. You’ll be able to track the progress of your application, update your personal information, view decisions and accept offers.

Good to know

  • Your application will be ‘pending’ on your portal while we check your application.
  • You can add or edit some details or documents within your application after it’s been submitted through your applicant portal. For more guidance and advice you can take a look at our PG Admissions portal.