Writing a research proposal

The research proposal is an important document that you submit as part of the application process, so it is essential that you put sufficient time and energy into preparing, as well as drafting, it.
What is a research proposal?
A research proposal is a concise and coherent summary of your proposed research. It is a key part of your application, on which potential supervisors will decide if your research is something they can support.
A research proposal generally consists of an outline of your proposed research project, including your main research questions and the methods you intend to use. You should also comment on the potential impact and importance of your intended research and on how your work would interact with current trends in your academic field.
How is it structured?
1. Research topic
General subject area/explain domain on which you will focus.
2. Review of the literature
Demonstrate familiarity with relevant literature, show awareness of previous research and explain how your research aims to make an original contribution to knowledge.
3. Research objectives
Explain what you are intending to achieve. You might use:
- Hypotheses: an assumed relationship between two or more variables
- Propositions: statements that explain likely phenomena
- Objectives or a set of research questions
- Problems: identify existing unsatisfactory conditions and propose a solution
4. Research strategy
Explain your research strategy/method; consider strategic options/outline how you plan to collect your data (if any).
5. Anticipated results
Consider the type of expected results, data analysis method and identify potential data collection problems.
6. Schedule and budget
Plan resource requirements; detail stages of the research and timescale (as applicable).
7. References and bibliography
In order to make a compelling case you should aim to:
- Demonstrate your strategic fit: how does your research and/or previous experience fit in with the research strengths, agendas and priorities of the University?
- Make a positive and powerful first impression about your potential as a researcher
- The proposal and supporting statement are for you to show that you have the ability to take ownership over your project and demonstrate research leadership
- State and justify your objectives clearly (“because it is interesting” is not enough!) – make sure that you address a clear gap in existing work
- Persuade potential supervisors and/or funders of the importance of the research, and why you are the right person to undertake it
Requirements for research degrees (e.g. PhD, MLitt, MPhil, MMus, LLM, MJur)
Requirements for research degrees (e.g. PhD, MLitt, MPhil, MMus, LLM, MJur)
Schools in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences and the College of Life and Environmental Sciences, where students join an existing research group, need to know:
- Your research interests (but do not require a detailed proposal).
- Which areas of the College you would like to work in.
- The names of one or more potential supervisors.
All other schools in the Colleges of Arts and Law, Social Sciences, and Medical and Dental Sciences require a research proposal of between 1,000 and 1,500 words specifying the subject of the proposed research, the body of ideas or theory that will be used, the aim and objectives and the methodological approach to be adopted.
Although there is no set format or prescribed length for a research you can contact the school or department (or your prospective supervisor) to find out more if you want to know the expectation for the programme you are applying to.
Requirements for combined research and taught programmes
Requirements for combined research and taught programmes
A research proposal of approximately 1000-1500 words is required for the following programmes:
- MPhilB Contemporary German Studies
- MPhilB Philosophy
- MPhilBs in the College of Arts and Law, with the exception of applicants for the MPhilB Playwriting Studies, who should submit a play or production that they have written.
- MRes Conservation and Utilisation of Plant Genetic Resources
- Doctorate in Business Administration
- PhD with Integrated Study in Education and Learning
- PhD with Integrated Study in International Development
- SocScD in Applied Social Research
When your draft is complete
When your draft is complete
Read it out loud to yourself and then ask whether you have answered the following:
- Why would anyone want to invest in my research?
- What is the research about?
- Why do you want to do it?
- Why do you believe you will be able to do it?
- Why is it significant?
- What do you aim to achieve by completing it?
- Have you shown that you understand how your research will contribute to the conceptual understanding and/or knowledge of your topic, e.g. expand knowledge or theory, improve research design, or improve analysis?
- Is it clear how your research will fit within, and contribute to, the department?
- Does your passion shine through?
- Have you formulated a clear, feasible research question?
- Have you placed your question in the context of current work in the field?
- Have you outlined your methodology? (e.g. empirical or theoretical, qualitative and/or quantitative, modelling, surveys, interviews, observation, case studies, machine processes, data processing, etc.)
- Have you been specific about any fieldwork involved (where you need to go, when, for how long and how you will fund this)?
- Have you said what resources you will need?
- Have you suggested what impact it will have?
- Have you provided a timeline?
- Have you provided a reference list?
Hints and Tips
Your proposal is unique to you, however there are some expected concepts and themes which we would expect to see included within your writing. Below you will find guidance on the essentials of a research proposal.
Tip 1: Demonstrate Originality
There are many ways in which you can demonstrate originality:
- Identify problems, such as inconsistencies or gaps, in existing analysis
- A fresh, critical discussion of texts, works and/or ideas that have been neglected by scholarship
- Bring together disciplines and areas of work that have not been brought together before
- Compare a topic in one country/language/business model/legal system, etc. with the same topic in another (a ‘comparative study’)
- Analyse an issue from a new perspective, or apply work from another discipline to your own, in order to create new knowledge, learning or practice (e.g.by bringing a theoretical approach to a problem which has not been applied before, at length)
- A study of the impact of a particular set of conditions, piece of legislation, series of events, government, etc.
Tip 2: Research Impact
Wherever possible, the beneficiaries of ‘impact’ should consist of a wider group than that of the immediate professional circle who carry out similar research. 'Impact' should show quality and help to enhance the reputation of the University and the UK's attractivenes for research and innovation investment.
Specific beneficiaries might be: researchers in other disciplines; academic organisations; companies, public sector bodies and others who may use the results to their advantage; or policy makers.
- Who might benefit from this research?
- How might they benefit from this research?
- What will be done to ensure that potential beneficiaries have the opportunity to engage with this research?