Students walking across the Green Heart, with Old Joe clock in the distance

Plan your day

Our Postgraduate Open Day schedule of events

The schedule can be found below for our Postgraduate Open Day that will take place on Saturday 22 June 2024.

Postgraduate Open Day offers you the chance to explore our campus, meet current students, discuss your subject area with academics and find out about the support available. Our Open Day taking place on Saturday 22 June will be combined with an Undergraduate Open Day that has a different schedule to the one below.

Bookings have now close but you can still attend.

Pre-bookings have now closed but you can still visit us today. Please head to campus and check in with one of our welcome teams. You'll be able to speak to staff and students in our postgraduate hub in the Teaching and Learning building (R32).

Schedule of Activity

Subject-specific events

During our Postgraduate Open Day, you will be able to speak with members of staff, academics and students from your School or Department. Our subject-specific events are a great opportunity to ask questions about postgraduate study, your department or funding opportunities and get an immediate answer. Take the time to check through our events to build your own timetable for the day.

Please note that not every postgraduate course is represented at programme level at our open days. Check our events schedule carefully to make sure the School or Department you want to speak to are available on the day.

Local travel and parking

Open days are a very busy time for the University and as such we are only able to offer a limited number of parking spaces on these days. For your convenience, we would strongly recommend using public transport to reach us. The University of Birmingham is fortunate enough to have its own railway station, ‘University’. The centre of the main campus is just a five-minute walk from University station.

University station concourse

Your Postgraduate Open Day Guide

Updated live throughout the day, use our Postgraduate Open Day Guide for the most up-to-date information so you can make the most of your day on campus.

Campus - Old Joe Clock Face